- 2019-02-28 The Prospect of Electrochemical Technologies Advancing Worldwide Water Treatm...
- Growing worldwide population, climate change, and decaying water infrastructure have all contributed to a need for a better water treatment and conveyance model. Distributed water treatment is one pos...
- 2019-02-28 Innovative Electrolytes Based on Ionic Liquids and Polymers for Next-Generati...
- Electrolytes based on organic solvents used in current Li-ion batteries are not compatible with the next-generation energy storage technologies including those based on Li metal. Thus, there has been ...
- 2018-12-17 Single-Atom Alloys as a Reductionist Approach to the Rational Design of Heter...
- Heterogeneous catalysts are workhorses in the industrial production of most commodity and specialty chemicals, and have widespread energy and environmental applications, with the annual market value o...
- 2018-10-18 Nanocellulose toward Advanced Energy Storage Devices: Structure and Electroch...
- Cellulose is the most abundant biopolymer on Earth and has long been used as a sustainable building block of conventional paper. Note that nanocellulose accounts for nearly 40% of wood’s weight and c...
- 2018-09-10 Core–shell structured titanium dioxide nanomaterials for solar energy utiliz...
- Because of its unmatched resource potential, solar energy utilization currently is one of the hottest research areas. Much effort has been devoted to developing advanced materials for converting solar...
- 2018-09-10 Potassium Superoxide: A Unique Alternative for Metal–Air Batteries
- Lithium–oxygen (Li–O2) batteries have been envisaged and pursued as the long-term successor to Li-ion batteries, due to the highest theoretical energy density among all known battery chemistries. Ho...
- 2018-08-22 Selective functionalization of methane, ethane, and higher alkanes by cerium ...
- With the recent soaring production of natural gas, the use of methane and other light hydrocarbon feedstocks as starting materials in synthetic transformations is becoming increasingly economically at...
- 2018-08-22 Cooperative asymmetric reactions combining photocatalysis and enzymatic catal...
- Living organisms rely on simultaneous reactions catalysed by mutually compatible and selective enzymes to synthesize complex natural products and other metabolites. To combine the advantages of these ...
- 2018-08-22 Engineering of robust topological quantum phases in graphene nanoribbons
- Boundaries between distinct topological phases of matter support robust, yet exotic quantum states such as spin–momentum locked transport channels or Majorana fermions1,2,3. The idea of using such st...
- 2018-08-22 Topological band engineering of graphene nanoribbons
- Topological insulators are an emerging class of materials that host highly robust in-gap surface or interface states while maintaining an insulating bulk1,2. Most advances in this field have focused o...
- 2018-08-22 Twistable electronics with dynamically rotatable heterostructures
- In heterostructures of two-dimensional materials, electronic properties can vary dramatically with relative interlayer angle. This effect makes it theoretically possible to realize a new class of twis...
- 2018-07-04 Electrifying model catalysts for understanding electrocatalytic reactions in ...
- Electrocatalysis is at the heart of our future transition to a renewable energy system. Most energy storage and conversion technologies for renewables rely on electrocatalytic processes and, with incr...
- 2018-07-04 Fully textured monolithic perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells with 25.2% po...
- Tandem devices combining perovskite and silicon solar cells are promising candidates to achieve power conversion efficiencies above 30% at reasonable costs. State-of-the-art monolithic two-terminal pe...
- 2018-07-04 Carbonyl catalysis enables a biomimetic asymmetric Mannich reaction
- Chiral amines are widely used as catalysts in asymmetric synthesis to activate carbonyl groups for α-functionalization. Carbonyl catalysis reverses that strategy by using a carbonyl group to activate...
- 2018-07-04 Enhanced photovoltage for inverted planar heterojunction perovskite solar cel...
- The highest power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) reported for perovskite solar cells (PSCs) with inverted planar structures are still inferior to those of PSCs with regular structures, mainly because ...
- 2018-07-01 Electrifying model catalysts for understanding electrocatalytic reactions in ...
- Electrocatalysis is at the heart of our future transition to a renewable energy system. Most energy storage and conversion technologies for renewables rely on electrocatalytic processes and, with incr...
- 2018-07-01 Rolling up transition metal dichalcogenide nanoscrolls via one drop of ethano...
- Two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) have attracted lots of interest because of their potential for electronic and optoelectronic applications. Atomically thin TMD flakes were belie...
- 2018-06-25 Heterointerface effects in the electrointercalation of van der Waals heterost...
- Molecular-scale manipulation of electronic and ionic charge accumulation in materials is the backbone of electrochemical energy storage1,2,3,4. Layered van der Waals (vdW) crystals are a diverse famil...
- 2018-06-25 Separation of enantiomers by their enantiospecific interaction with achiral m...
- It is commonly assumed that recognition and discrimination of chirality, both in nature and in artificial systems, depend solely on spatial effects. However, recent studies have suggested that charge ...
- 2018-06-25 Anomalously low dielectric constant of confined water
- The dielectric constant ε of interfacial water has been predicted to be smaller than that of bulk water (ε ≈ 80) because the rotational freedom of water dipoles is expected to decrease near surface...