- 2018-03-12 Quantitative relations between interaction parameter, miscibility and functio...
- Although it is known that molecular interactions govern morphology formation and purity of mixed domains of conjugated polymer donors and small-molecule acceptors, and thus largely control the achieva...
- 2018-03-12 The role of reticular chemistry in the design of CO2 reduction catalysts
- The problem with current state-of-the-art catalysts for CO2 photo- or electroreduction is rooted in the notion that no single system can independently control, and thus optimize, the interplay between...
- 2018-03-12 Principles and Methods for the Rational Design of Core–Shell Nanoparticle Ca...
- Commercial and emerging renewable energy technologies are underpinned by precious metal catalysts, which enable the transformation of reactants into useful products. However, the noble metals (NMs) co...
- 2018-03-12 Electrochemical Investigations of Hydrogenases and Other Enzymes That Produce...
- Many enzymes that produce or transform small molecules such as O2, H2, and CO2 embed inorganic cofactors based on transition metals. Their active site, where the chemical reaction occurs, is buried in...
- 2018-03-12 Ambient Pressure Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy for Functional Materia...
- Heterogeneous interfaces play important roles in a variety of functional material systems and technologies, such as catalysis, batteries, and devices. A fundamental understanding of efficient function...
- 2018-03-12 Melding Vapor-Phase Organic Chemistry and Textile Manufacturing To Produce We...
- Body-mountable electronics and electronically active garments are the future of portable, interactive devices. However, wearable devices and electronic garments are demanding technology platforms beca...
- 2018-03-02 国际首个钙钛矿太阳能模组“稳态化认证效率记录”在中国诞生!
- 2018年2月22日,杭州众能光电科技联合华中科技大学陈炜教授团队基于自主知识产权,控制大面积钙钛矿薄膜和界面薄膜的均匀性和一致性,实施兼顾效率和稳定性的界面工程,获得了国际上钙钛矿太阳能模组(光照面积=20.7...
- 2018-02-23 MXene as a Charge Storage Host
- The development of efficient electrochemical energy storage (EES) devices is an important sustainability issue to realize green electrical grids. Charge storage mechanisms in present EES devices, such...
- 2018-02-23 Nanoscale Studies of Organic Radicals: Surface, Interface, and Spinterface
- In the last decade technology has brought significant changes to our lives, including new habits and a new view on social relationships. These technological innovations are based on several factors, o...
- 2018-02-23 White-Light Emission from Layered Halide Perovskites
- With nearly 20% of global electricity consumed by lighting, more efficient illumination sources can enable massive energy savings. However, effectively creating the high-quality white light required f...
- 2018-02-23 Investigation of α-MnO2 Tunneled Structures as Model Cation Hosts for Energy...
- Future advances in energy storage systems rely on identification of appropriate target materials and deliberate synthesis of the target materials with control of their physiochemical properties in ord...
- 2018-02-05 The Role of Cations on the Performance of Lithium Ion Batteries: A Quantitati...
- Lithium ion batteries are nowadays the state-of-the-art power sources for portable electronic devices and the most promising candidate for energy storage in large-size batteries, e.g., pure and hybrid...
- 2018-02-05 Mechanisms of Degradation and Strategies for the Stabilization of Cathode–El...
- Undesired reactions at the interface between a transition metal oxide cathode and a nonaqueous electrolyte bring about challenges to the performance of Li-ion batteries in the form of compromised dura...
- 2018-02-05 Multiscale Principles To Boost Reactivity in Gas-Involving Energy Electrocata...
- Various gas-involving energy electrocatalysis, including oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), oxygen evolution reaction (OER), and hydrogen evolution reaction (HER), has witnessed increasing concerns rece...
- 2018-02-05 Deciphering the Ethylene Carbonate–Propylene Carbonate Mystery in Li-Ion Bat...
- As one of the landmark technologies, Li-ion batteries (LIBs) have reshaped our life in the 21stcentury, but molecular-level understanding about the mechanism underneath this young chemistry is still i...
- 2018-02-05 High-Nuclearity Lanthanide-Containing Clusters as Potential Molecular Magneti...
- High-nuclearity cluster-type metal complexes are a unique class of compounds, many of which have aesthetically pleasing molecular structures. Their interesting physical and chemical properties arise p...
- 2018-01-31 Understanding Conversion-Type Electrodes for Lithium Rechargeable Batteries
- The need/desire to lower the consumption of fossil fuels and its environmental consequences has reached unprecedented levels in recent years. A global effort has been undertaken to develop advanced re...
- 2018-01-29 Thermochromic halide perovskite solar cells
- Smart photovoltaic windows represent a promising green technology featuring tunable transparency and electrical power generation under external stimuli to control the light transmission and manage the...
- 2018-01-29 Organic solar cells based on non-fullerene acceptors
- Organic solar cells (OSCs) have been dominated by donor:acceptor blends based on fullerene acceptors for over two decades. This situation has changed recently, with non-fullerene (NF) OSCs developing ...
- 2018-01-25 Probing the Complexities of Structural Changes in Layered Oxide Cathode Mater...
- The rechargeable lithium-ion battery (LIB) is the most promising energy storage system to power electric vehicles with high energy density and long cycling life. However, in order to meet customers’ ...