- 2018-06-25 Synergetic Transformation of Solid Inorganic–Organic Hybrids into Advanced N...
- The rational synthesis of advanced nanomaterials with well-defined structures has been intensively studied due to the remarkable properties and intriguing applications of the formed materials. Recentl...
- 2018-06-25 Laser-Induced Graphene
- Research on graphene abounds, from fundamental science to device applications. In pursuit of complementary morphologies, formation of graphene foams is often preferred over the native two-dimensional ...
- 2018-06-20 Mesoscale Battery Science: The Behavior of Electrode Particles Caught on a Mu...
- Functional materials and devices are usually morphologically complex and chemically heterogeneous. Their structures are often designed to be hierarchical because of the desired functionalities, which ...
- 2018-06-13 Imaging-based molecular barcoding with pixelated dielectric metasurfaces
- Metasurfaces provide opportunities for wavefront control, flat optics, and subwavelength light focusing. We developed an imaging-based nanophotonic method for detecting mid-infrared molecular fingerpr...
- 2018-06-12 Record Alkali Metal Intercalation by Highly Charged Corannulene
- The need for advanced energy storage technologies demands the development of new functional materials. Novel carbon-rich and carbon-based materials of different structural topologies attract significa...
- 2018-06-12 Superwetting Electrodes for Gas-Involving Electrocatalysis
- Gas-involving electrochemical reactions, including gas evolution reactions and gas consumption reactions, are essential components of the energy conversion processes and gathering elevating attention ...
- 2018-06-04 Recent Advances on Sodium–Oxygen Batteries: A Chemical Perspective
- Releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere because of widespread use of fossil fuels by humankind has resulted in raising the earth’s temperature during the past few decades. Known as global warm...
- 2018-05-15 The role of metal/oxide interfaces for long-range metal particle activation d...
- The interaction of metal nanoparticles with oxide supports in heterogeneous catalysis has been intensely discussed for decades because the support may change the surface properties and electronic stru...
- 2018-05-03 Pyroelectric energy conversion with large energy and power density in relaxor...
- The need for efficient energy utilization is driving research into ways to harvest ubiquitous waste heat. Here, we explore pyroelectric energy conversion from low-grade thermal sources that exploits s...
- 2018-05-03 Highly reversible zinc metal anode for aqueous batteries
- Metallic zinc (Zn) has been regarded as an ideal anode material for aqueous batteries because of its high theoretical capacity (820 mA h g–1), low potential (−0.762 V versus the standard hydroge...
- 2018-04-17 Selective Transformation of CO2 to CO at a Single Nickel Center
- Carbon dioxide conversion mediated by transition metal complexes continues to attract much attention because of its future potential utilization as a nontoxic and inexpensive C1 source for the chemica...
- 2018-04-10 Origin of vertical orientation in two-dimensional metal halide perovskites an...
- Thin films based on two-dimensional metal halide perovskites have achieved exceptional performance and stability in numerous optoelectronic device applications. Simple solution processing of the 2D pe...
- 2018-04-10 Quantitative 3D determination of self-assembled structures on nanoparticles u...
- The ligand shell (LS) determines a number of nanoparticles’ properties. Nanoparticles’ cores can be accurately characterized; yet the structure of the LS, when composed of mixture of molecules, can ...
- 2018-04-10 Ultrathin bismuth nanosheets from in situ topotactic transformation for selec...
- Electrocatalytic carbon dioxide reduction to formate is desirable but challenging. Current attention is mostly focused on tin-based materials, which, unfortunately, often suffer from limited Faradaic ...
- 2018-04-10 Tuning defects in oxides at room temperature by lithium reduction
- Defects can greatly influence the properties of oxide materials; however, facile defect engineering of oxides at room temperature remains challenging. The generation of defects in oxides is difficult ...
- 2018-04-10 Experimental determination of the energy difference between competing isomers...
- The equilibrium structures and dynamics of a nanoscale system are regulated by a complex potential energy surface (PES). This is a key target of theoretical calculations but experimentally elusive. We...
- 2018-04-10 In situ X-ray scattering observation of two-dimensional interfacial colloidal...
- Charged colloids at interfaces hold such a simple configuration that their interactions are supposed to be fully elucidated in the framework of classical electrostatics, yet the mysterious existence o...
- 2018-04-09 One-Dimensional Hetero-Nanostructures for Rechargeable Batteries
- Rechargeable batteries are regarded as one of the most practical electrochemical energy storage devices that are able to convert and store the electrical energy generated from renewable resources, and...
- 2018-04-08 Selective formation of γ-lactams via C–H amidation enabled by tailored irid...
- Intramolecular insertion of metal nitrenes into carbon-hydrogen bonds to form γ-lactam rings has traditionally been hindered by competing isocyanate formation. We report the application of theory and...
- 2018-04-08 Hydrophilic directional slippery rough surfaces for water harvesting
- Multifunctional surfaces that are favorable for both droplet nucleation and removal are highly desirable for water harvesting applications but are rare. Inspired by the unique functions of pitcher pla...