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Twistable electronics with dynamically rotatable heterostructures

In heterostructures of two-dimensional materials, electronic properties can vary dramatically with relative interlayer angle. This effect makes it theoretically possible to realize a new class of twistable electronics in which properties can be manipulated on demand by means of rotation. We demonstrate a device architecture in which a layered heterostructure can be dynamically twisted in situ. We study graphene encapsulated by boron nitride, where, at small rotation angles, the device characteristics are dominated by coupling to a long-wavelength moiré superlattice. The ability to investigate arbitrary rotation angle in a single device reveals features of the optical, mechanical, and electronic response in this system not captured in static rotation studies. Our results establish the capability to fabricate twistable electronic devices with dynamically tunable properties.

Science 17 Aug 2018:
Vol. 361, Issue 6403, pp. 690-693
DOI: 10.1126/science.aat6981


发布日期:2018/08/22 发布者:网站管理员 点击数: