- 2015-05-03 Lead halide perovskite nanowire lasers with low lasing thresholds and high qu...
- The remarkable performance of lead halide perovskites in solar cells can be attributed to the long carrier lifetimes and low non-radiative recombination rates, the same physical properties that are id...
- 2015-05-03 Exploiting chemically selective weakness in solids as a route to new porous m...
- Weakness in a material, especially when challenged by chemical, mechanical or physical stimuli, is often viewed as something extremely negative. There are countless examples in which interesting-looki...
- 2015-04-19 二氧化碳高效电催化还原研究取得进展
- 4月13日,中科院大连化物所催化基础国家重点实验室高敦峰、汪国雄和包信和院士等研究人员与浙江工业大学王建国教授等合作,在二氧化碳高效电催化还原研究中取得进展,发现纳米钯电极高效催化二氧化碳还原生成一氧化碳...
- 2015-04-15 An ultrafast rechargeable aluminium-ion battery
- A rechargeable aluminium battery with high-rate capability that uses an aluminium metal anode and a three-dimensional graphitic-foam cathode was reported. The battery operates through the electrochemi...
- 2015-03-27 固体氧化物燃料电池研究取得进展
- 中科院大连化物所程谟杰研究员带领中高温固体氧化物燃料电池研究团队和美国密苏里大学堪萨斯城分校陈晓波助理教授在固体氧化物燃料电池合作研究中取得进展,相关成果发表在《纳米快报》(Nano Lett., 2015, 15(3):170...
- 2015-03-02 Dysprosium-doped cadmium oxide as a gateway material for mid-infrared plasmon...
- Edward Sachet, Christopher T. Shelton, Joshua S. Harris, Benjamin E. Gaddy, Douglas L. Irving, Ste...
- 2015-03-02 Molecular length dictates the nature of charge carriers in single-molecule ju...
- Emma J. Dell, Brian Capozzi, Jianlong Xia, Latha Venkataraman & Luis M. Campos To develop advanced materials for electronic devices, it is of utmost importance to design organic building blocks with t...
- 2014-10-29 富勒烯吡咯烷酮夹层: 优化电极提高有机太阳能电池的效率
- 目前在有机太阳能电池中所面临的主要挑战是氧化物的稳定性与金属阴极的有效功函数之间的权衡。美国Massachusetts大学高分子科学与工程系Todd Emrick课题组最新研究表明:在单结聚合物太阳能中,在溶液相中将富勒烯吡...
- 2014-10-11 2014年诺贝尔化学奖揭晓
- Eric Betzig Stefan W. Hell William E. Moerner 北京时间10月8日下午5点52分,2014年诺贝尔化学奖揭晓,美国及德国三位科学家Eric Betzig、Stefan W. Hell和William E. Moerner获奖。获奖理由是“研制出超分辨率荧...
- 2014-10-10 基于磁电解质的持久浓差电池
- A concentration cell is composed of two equivalent half-cells made of the same material but differing in the concentration of reactants. As these concentrations equilibrate, the increase in entropy is...
- 2014-10-10 二维层状半导体异质结的侧向外延生长
- Two-dimensional layered semiconductors such as MoS2 and WSe2 have attracted considerable interest in recent times. Exploring the full potential of these layered materials requires precise sp...
- 2014-10-10 单层WS2-MoS2的垂直和侧向异质结
- Layer-by-layer stacking or lateral interfacing of atomic monolayers has opened up unprecedented opportunities to engineer two-dimensional heteromaterials. Fabrication of such artificial heterostructur...
- 2014-10-10 自组装水凝胶支架材料用于光催化产氢
- Integration into a soft material of all the molecular components necessary to generate storable fuels is an interesting target in supramolecular chemistry. The concept is inspired by the internal stru...
- 2014-09-14 原子层厚的MoS2/WS2异质结构中超快的电荷转移
- Van der Waals heterostructures have recently emerged as a new class of materials, where quantum coupling between stacked atomically thin two-dimensional layers, including graphene, hexagonal-boron nit...
- 2014-09-14 质量选择的PtxY纳米粒子作为氧还原的模型催化剂
- Low-temperature fuel cells are limited by the oxygen reduction reaction, and their widespread implementation in automotive vehicles is hindered by the cost of platinum, currently the best-known cata...
- 2014-09-14 单层MoSe2-WSe2半导体的横向异质结
- Heterojunctions between three-dimensional (3D) semiconductors with different bandgaps are the basis of modern light-emitting diodes, diode lasers and high-speed transistors. Creating analogous heteroj...
- 2014-09-14 氢气诱导单个钯纳米晶体相变过程的原位检测
- Many energy- and information-storage processes rely on phase changes of nanomaterials in reactive environments. Compared to their bulk counterparts, nanostructured materials seem to exhibit faster cha...
- 2014-09-14 Ni修饰的CdS纳米棒的氧化还原输运机制用于增强光催化制氢
- Photocatalytic conversion of solar energy to fuels, such as hydrogen, is attracting enormous interest, driven by the promise of addressing both energy supply and storage. Colloidal semiconductor nan...
- 2014-09-01 Size, Dimensionality, and Strong Electron Correlation in Nanoscience
- In electronic structure theory, electron–electron repulsion is normally considered only in an average (or mean field) sense, for example, in a single Hartree–Fock determinant. This is the simple mol...
- 2014-09-01 Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Materials: Challenges for ab Initio Methodology
- Organic/inorganic hybrid structures are most exciting since one can expect new properties that are absent in either of their building blocks. They open new perspectives toward the design and tailoring...