- 2014-09-01 Polyoxometalate-mediated electron transfer–oxygen transfer oxidation of cell...
- Terrestrial plants contain ~70% hemicellulose and cellulose that are a significant renewable bioresource with potential as an alternative to petroleum feedstock for carbon-based fuels. The efficient a...
- 2014-09-01 Accelerated discovery of cathode materials with prolonged cycle life for lith...
- Large-scale battery systems are essential for efficiently utilizing renewable energy power sources from solar and wind, which can generate electricity only intermittently. The use of lithium-ion batte...
- 2014-09-01 Achieving solar overall water splitting with hybrid photosystems of photosyst...
- Solar overall water splitting is a promising sustainable approach for solar-to-chemical energy conversion, which harnesses solar irradiation to oxidize water to oxygen and reduce ...
- 2014-09-01 Nanoscale nickel oxide/nickel heterostructures for active hydrogen evolution ...
- Active, stable and cost-effective electrocatalysts are a key to water splitting for hydrogen production through electrolysis or photoelectrochemistry. Here we report nanoscale nickel o...
- 2014-09-01 Enhancing 2D growth of organic semiconductor thin films with macroporous stru...
- The physical structure of an organic solid is strongly affected by the surface of the underlying substrate. Controlling this interface is an important issue to improve device performance in the organi...
- 2014-09-01 Surface-enhanced redox chemistry of polysulphides on a metallic and polar hos...
- The lithium-sulphur battery relies on the reversible conversion between sulphur and Li2S and is highly appealing for energy storage owing to its low cost and high energy density. Porous carbo...
- 2014-09-01 Photovoltaic effect in few-layer black phosphorus PN junctions defined by loc...
- In conventional photovoltaic solar cells, photogenerated carriers are extracted by the built-in electric field of a semiconductor PN junction, defined by ionic dopants. In atomically thin semiconducto...
- 2014-09-01 Stable lithium electrodeposition in liquid and nanoporous solid electrolytes
- Rechargeable lithium, sodium and aluminium metal-based batteries are among the most versatile platforms for high-energy, cost-effective electrochemical energy storage. Non-uniform meta...
- 2014-09-01 Redox shuttle mechanism enhances photocatalytic H2 generation on Ni-decorated...
- Photocatalytic conversion of solar energy to fuels, such as hydrogen, is attracting enormous interest, driven by the promise of addressing both energy supply and storage1. Colloidal semiconductor na...
- 2014-09-01 A redox hydrogel protects hydrogenase from high-potential deactivation and ox...
- Hydrogenases are nature's efficient catalysts for both the generation of energy via oxidation of molecular hydrogen and the production of hydrogen via the reduction of protons. However, ...
- 2014-09-01 High-performance Ag–Co alloy catalysts for electrochemical oxygen reduction
- The electrochemical oxygen reduction reaction is the limiting half-reaction for low-temperature hydrogen fuel cells, and currently costly Pt-based electrocatalysts are used to generate adequate rates....
- 2014-09-01 Electron transfer through rigid organic molecular wires enhanced by electroni...
- Electron transfer (ET) is a fundamental process in a wide range of biological systems, photovoltaics and molecular electronics. Therefore to understand the relationship between molecular structure and...
- 2014-09-01 Perovskite fever
- Staggering increases in the performance of organic–inorganic perovskite solar cells have renewed the interest in these materials. However, further developments and the support from academic and indus...
- 2014-09-01 The light and shade of perovskite solar cells
- The rise of metal halide perovskites as light harvesters has stunned the photovoltaic community. As the efficiency race continues, questions on the control of the performance of perovskite solar cells...
- 2014-07-22 降低太阳能电池成本的方法
- Cadmium telluride, CdTe, is now firmly established as the basis for the market-leading thin-film solar-cell technology. With laboratory efficiencies approaching 20 percent, the research and developmen...
- 2014-07-22 生成单壁碳纳米管的一条新途径
- Carbon nanotubes have many material properties that make them attractive for applications. In the context of nanoelectronics, interest has focused on single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) because sli...
- 2014-07-22 一种具有高稳定性的无空穴传输材料可全印刷介观钙钛矿太阳能电池
- The Authors fabricated a perovskite solar cell that uses a double layer of mesoporous TiO2 and ZrO2 as a scaffold infiltrated with perovskite and does not require a hole-conducting layer. The perovski...
- 2014-07-22 N-杂环卡宾催化剂的研究进展
- The successful isolation and characterization of an N-heterocyclic carbene in 1991 opened up a new class of organic compounds for investigation. From these beginnings as academic curiosities, N-hetero...
- 2014-07-21 二氧化钛一维纳米异质结构的设计、合成及应用
- One-dimensional TiO2 nanostructured surface heterostructures (1D TiO2NSHs) have been comprehensively studied during the past two decades because of the possible practical applications in various field...
- 2014-07-21 利用溶剂工程制备高性能无机-有机杂化型钙钛矿太阳能电池
- Organolead trihalide perovskite materials have been successfully used as light absorbers in efficient photovoltaic cells. Two different cell structures, based on mesoscopic metal oxides and planar het...