- 2014-07-21 表面包覆金属-有机骨架材料的钯纳米晶体的储氢性能研究
- Hydrogen is an essential component in many industrial processes. As a result of the recent increase in the development of shale gas, steam reforming of shale gas has received considerable attention as...
- 2014-07-21 纳米金等离激元光催化用于有机合成和清洁能源的转换
- This review provides the basic concepts, an overall survey and the state-of-the art of plasmon-based nanogold photocatalysis using visible light including fundamental understanding and major applicati...
- 2014-07-02 钙钛矿太阳能电池 “电”你没商量
- OFweek太阳能光伏网讯:最热门的太阳能电池材料再次获得进展。在近日召开的材料研究学会会议上,3个研究小组报告称,被称为钙钛矿的便宜、易制取的晶体材料打破了之前的效率纪录。一个小组将太阳能转化为电能的效率提...
- 2014-07-02 新合成三维材料具有超强导电性能 可替代石墨烯
- “足球比赛需要替补,材料也一样。”日前多个国际研究团队先后发表论文称,合成出一种能够替代石墨烯的三维材料。据称这种材料的电气性能与石墨烯相当,且更便于生产,有望借此制造出运行速度更快的晶体管、传感器和...
- 2014-06-22 金属有机框架材料在异相超分子催化中的应用
- This review summarizes the use of metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) as a versatile supramolecular platform to develop heterogeneous catalysts for a variety of organic reactions, especially for liquid-p...
- 2014-06-22 氧化蚀刻用于可控合成金属纳米晶体:原子加法和减法
- Since the discovery of the role of oxidative etching in shape-controlled metal nanostructure synthesis in 2004, it has become a versatile tool to precisely manipulate the nucleation and growth of meta...
- 2014-06-22 纳米电极上的异相电子传递:电子结构和双电层的重要性
- Heterogeneous electron-transfer (ET) processes at solid electrodes play key roles in molecular electronics and electrochemical energy conversion and sensing. Electrode nanosization and/or nanostructur...
- 2014-06-22 锌-空气电池最新进展
- Zinc–air is a century-old battery technology but has attracted revived interest recently. With larger storage capacity at a fraction of the cost compared to lithium-ion, zinc–air batteries clearly r...
- 2014-05-14 便宜、易制取、转化率接近20%的钙钛矿太阳能电池
- 低成本是钙钛矿太阳能电池的一大优势。图片来源:RDR/FERNANDO GUERRA 最热门的太阳能电池材料再次获得进展。在近日召开的材料研究学会会议上,3个研究小组报告称,被称为钙钛矿的便宜、易制取的晶体材料打破...
- 2014-05-04 纳米催化中的纳米界面工程问题
- The interface, referred to as the boundary between two phases, has been demonstrated to play a critical role in catalysis. Fundamental understanding of interfacial phenomena occurring in catalysis wil...
- 2014-05-04 Bi2WO6纳米结构:可见光诱导实现可再生化学品和燃料的生产
- Low cost and easily made bismuth tungstate (Bi2WO6) could be one of the key technologies to make chemicals and fuels from biomass, atmospheric carbon dioxide and water at low cost using solar radiatio...
- 2014-05-04 基于石墨烯氧化物的化学研究
- Our understanding of the fundamental structure and bonding of graphene oxide (GO) as well as the scope of its utility have grown tremendously over the past decade. As a result, the pace of research ef...
- 2014-05-04 利用溶液中剪切剥离技术批量化生产无缺陷的石墨烯
- To progress from the laboratory to commercial applications, it will be necessary to develop industrially scalable methods to produce large quantities of defect-free graphene. Here we show that high-sh...
- 2014-05-02 Call for abstract-5th AEARU advanced Materials Workshop
- We are writing to invited you and you colleague to submit an abstract for a one-day workshop at the “5th AEARU advanced Materials Workshop”. New method of abstract submission has been added: ...
- 2014-04-17 光热发电:“中国制造”何以降成本
- “从现在来讲国外的经验有很多是可以借鉴的,但是无论是从光能、光伏还是风电来看,最终还是要通过中国制造来降低成本。”在近日举行的“2014光热发电中国聚焦”会议上,中国华能集团清洁能源技术研究院工程师徐海卫...
- 2014-04-17 美能源部2015财年预申请279亿美元
- 美国能源部长欧内斯特·莫尼兹于近日公布了能源部2015 财年279 亿美元的财政预算申请,相比2014年拨款水平增加了2.6%,反映了能源部核心关注领域——能源与科学、核安全以及管理与绩效的重要性。预算申请包括跨领域业...
- 2014-04-17 研究人员称海水无法变油 可为制油提供原料成分
- 新华网华盛顿4月10日电 美国海军研究实验室日前表示,经过多年研究,他们已开发出一种利用海水所含成分合成燃油的示范性技术,并成功让一架模型飞机依靠这种燃油起飞升空。这意味着海水可为制取燃油提供“海量”原...
- 2014-04-17 英国推动石墨烯研究
- 英国财政大臣乔治·奥斯本近日宣布,将在未来5年中投资设立“阿兰图灵研究所”、“细胞疗法制造中心”以及“石墨烯创新中心”,资助额度分别为4200万英镑、5500万英镑和1900万英镑。这三个领域曾在过去18个月中被奥斯...
- 2014-03-18 分解天然气以获取其产品的新方法
- Much of the recent research on homogeneous alkane oxidation has focused on the use of transition metal catalysts. Here, researchers report that the electrophilic main-group cations thallium(III) and l...
- 2014-03-18 纳米结构的氢化处理催化剂用于电化学析氢
- Progress in catalysis is driven by society's needs. The development of new electrocatalysts to make renewable and clean fuels from abundant and easily accessible resources is among the most challengin...