- 2017-06-19 Electrochemical reduction of CO2 to synthesis gas with controlled CO/H2 ratio...
- The electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction reaction (CO2RR) to simultaneously produce carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H2) has been achieved on carbon supported palladium (Pd/C) nanoparticles in a...
- 2017-06-19 Hierarchical porous carbons with layer-by-layer motif architectures from conf...
- Although various two-dimensional (2D) nanomaterials have been explored as promising capacitive materials due to their unique layered structure, their natural restacking tendency impedes electrolyte tr...
- 2017-06-19 Temperature-regulated guest admission and release in microporous materials
- While it has long been known that some highly adsorbing microporous materials suddenly become inaccessible to guest molecules below certain temperatures, previous attempts to explain this phenomenon h...
- 2017-06-19 11% efficiency solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells with copper(II/I) hole ...
- Solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells currently suffer from issues such as inadequate nanopore filling, low conductivity and crystallization of hole-transport materials infiltrated in the mesoscopic ...
- 2017-06-19 Taming interfacial electronic properties of platinum nanoparticles on vacancy...
- Taming interfacial electronic effects on Pt nanoparticles modulated by their concomitants has emerged as an intriguing approach to optimize Pt catalytic performance. Here, we report Pt nanoparticles a...
- 2017-06-19 An autonomous organic reaction search engine for chemical reactivity
- The exploration of chemical space for new reactivity, reactions and molecules is limited by the need for separate work-up-separation steps searching for molecules rather than reactivity. Herein we pre...
- 2017-06-19 A two-dimensional Dirac fermion microscope
- The electron microscope has been a powerful, highly versatile workhorse in the fields of material and surface science, micro and nanotechnology, biology and geology, for nearly 80 years. The advent of...
- 2017-06-19 Real-time observation of cation exchange kinetics and dynamics at the muscovi...
- Ion exchange at charged solid–liquid interfaces is central to a broad range of chemical and transport phenomena. Real-time observations of adsorption/desorption at the molecular-scale elucidate excha...
- 2017-06-19 Ruthenium(II)-catalysed remote C–H alkylations as a versatile platform to me...
- The full control of positional selectivity is of prime importance in C–H activation technology. Chelation assistance served as the stimulus for the development of a plethora of ortho-selective arene ...
- 2017-06-19 Palladium-catalyzed carbon-sulfur or carbon-phosphorus bond metathesis by rev...
- Compounds bearing aryl-sulfur and aryl-phosphorus bonds have found numerous applications in drug development, organic materials, polymer science, and homogeneous catalysis. We describe palladium-catal...
- 2017-06-19 Diffusion engineering of ions and charge carriers for stable efficient perovs...
- Long-term stability is crucial for the future application of perovskite solar cells, a promising low-cost photovoltaic technology that has rapidly advanced in the recent years. Here, we designed a nan...
- 2017-06-13 Enhanced selectivity in mixed matrix membranes for CO2 capture through effici...
- Mixed matrix membranes (MMMs) for gas separation applications have enhanced selectivity when compared with the pure polymer matrix, but are commonly reported with low intrinsic permeability, which has...
- 2017-06-13 Making Li-metal electrodes rechargeable by controlling the dendrite growth di...
- The long-standing issue of Li-dendrite formation and growth during repeated plating or stripping processes prevents the practical application of Li-metal anodes for high-specific-energy batteries. Her...
- 2017-06-13 Fundamental transport mechanisms, fabrication and potential applications of n...
- Graphene and other two-dimensional materials offer a new approach to controlling mass transport at the nanoscale. These materials can sustain nanoscale pores in their rigid lattices and due to their m...
- 2017-06-13 Free-standing supramolecular hydrogel objects by reaction-diffusion
- Self-assembly provides access to a variety of molecular materials, yet spatial control over structure formation remains difficult to achieve. Here we show how reaction–diffusion (RD) can be coupled t...
- 2017-06-13 Origin of the crossover from polarons to Fermi liquids in transition metal ox...
- Transition metal oxides host a wealth of exotic phenomena ranging from charge, orbital and magnetic order to nontrivial topological phases and superconductivity. In order to translate these unique mat...
- 2017-06-13 Carbon nanotube-based three-dimensional monolithic optoelectronic integrated ...
- Single material-based monolithic optoelectronic integration with complementary metal oxide semiconductor-compatible signal processing circuits is one of the most pursued approaches in the post-Moore e...
- 2017-06-13 Nanoimaging of resonating hyperbolic polaritons in linear boron nitride anten...
- Polaritons in layered materials—including van der Waals materials—exhibit hyperbolic dispersion and strong field confinement, which makes them highly attractive for applications including optical na...
- 2017-06-13 Organic hydrogen peroxide-driven low charge potentials for high-performance l...
- Reducing the high charge potential is a crucial concern in advancing the performance of lithium-oxygen batteries. Here, for water-containing lithium-oxygen batteries with lithium hydroxide products, w...
- 2017-06-13 Ultrathin metal-organic framework array for efficient electrocatalytic water ...
- Two-dimensional metal-organic frameworks represent a family of materials with attractive chemical and structural properties, which are usually prepared in the form of bulk powders. Here we show a gene...