- 2017-07-24 An organic-inorganic perovskite ferroelectric with large piezoelectric respon...
- Molecular piezoelectrics are highly desirable for their easy and environment-friendly processing, light weight, low processing temperature, and mechanical flexibility. However, although 136 years have...
- 2017-07-24 Bismuthene on a SiC substrate: A candidate for a high-temperature quantum spi...
- Quantum spin Hall materials hold the promise of revolutionary devices with dissipationless spin currents but have required cryogenic temperatures owing to small energy gaps. Here we show theoretically...
- 2017-07-24 Highly elastic binders integrating polyrotaxanes for silicon microparticle an...
- Lithium-ion batteries with ever-increasing energy densities are needed for batteries for advanced devices and all-electric vehicles. Silicon has been highlighted as a promising anode material because ...
- 2017-07-21 Dynamic breaking of a single gold bond
- While one might assume that the force to break a chemical bond gives a measure of the bond strength, this intuition is misleading. If the force is loaded slowly, thermal fluctuations may break the bon...
- 2017-07-21 Singlet oxygen-based electrosensing by molecular photosensitizers
- Enzyme-based electrochemical biosensors are an inspiration for the development of (bio)analytical techniques. However, the instability and reproducibility of the reactivity of enzymes, combined with t...
- 2017-07-21 Single molecule magnet with an unpaired electron trapped between two lanthani...
- Increasing the temperature at which molecules behave as single-molecule magnets is a serious challenge in molecular magnetism. One of the ways to address this problem is to create the molecules with s...
- 2017-07-20 Modeling CO2–Water–Mineral Wettability and Mineralization for Carbon Geoseq...
- Carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and storage (CCS) is an important climate change mitigation option along with improved energy efficiency, renewable energy, and nuclear energy. CO2geosequestration, that i...
- 2017-07-20 Graphene-Based Functional Architectures: Sheets Regulation and Macrostructure...
- Graphene, with large delocalized π electron cloud on a two-dimensional (2D) atom-thin plane, possesses excellent carrier mobility, large surface area, high light transparency, high mechanical strengt...
- 2017-07-20 All-oxide–based synthetic antiferromagnets exhibiting layer-resolved magneti...
- Synthesizing antiferromagnets with correlated oxides has been challenging, owing partly to the markedly degraded ferromagnetism of the magnetic layer at nanoscale thicknesses. Here we report on the en...
- 2017-07-20 Tuning quantum nonlocal effects in graphene plasmonics
- The response of electron systems to electrodynamic fields that change rapidly in space is endowed by unique features, including an exquisite spatial nonlocality. This can reveal much about the materia...
- 2017-07-20 High-temperature quantum oscillations caused by recurring Bloch states in gra...
- Cyclotron motion of charge carriers in metals and semiconductors leads to Landau quantization and magneto-oscillatory behavior in their properties. Cryogenic temperatures are usually required to obser...
- 2017-07-20 Water-Lean Solvents for Post-Combustion CO2 Capture: Fundamentals, Uncertaint...
- This review is designed to foster the discussion regarding the viability of postcombustion CO2 capture by water-lean solvents, by separating fact from fiction for both skeptics and advocates. We highl...
- 2017-07-10 Three-dimensional integration of nanotechnologies for computing and data stor...
- The computing demands of future data-intensive applications will greatly exceed the capabilities of current electronics, and are unlikely to be met by isolated improvements in transistors, data storag...
- 2017-07-10 Universal quinone electrodes for long cycle life aqueous rechargeable batteri...
- Aqueous rechargeable batteries provide the safety, robustness, affordability, and environmental friendliness necessary for grid storage and electric vehicle operations, but their adoption is plagued b...
- 2017-07-10 Two-dimensional non-volatile programmable p–n junctions
- Semiconductor p–n junctions are the elementary building blocks of most electronic and optoelectronic devices. The need for their miniaturization has fuelled the rapid growth of interest in two-dimens...
- 2017-07-10 Ultrafast lithium diffusion in bilayer graphene
- Solids that simultaneously conduct electrons and ions are key elements for the mass transfer and storage required in battery electrodes. Single-phase materials with a high electronic and high ionic co...
- 2017-07-10 Liquefied gas electrolytes for electrochemical energy storage devices
- Electrochemical capacitors and lithium-ion batteries have seen little change in their electrolyte chemistry since their commercialization, which has limited improvements in device performance. Combini...
- 2017-07-10 Atomic-layered Au clusters on α-MoC as catalysts for the low-temperature wat...
- The water-gas shift (WGS) reaction (CO+H2O=H2+CO2) is an essential process for hydrogen generation and CO removal in various energy-related chemical operations. This equilibrium-limited reaction is fa...
- 2017-07-10 Controlling guest conformation for efficient purification of butadiene
- Conventional adsorbents preferentially adsorb the small, high-polarity, and unsaturated 1,3-butadiene molecule over the other C4 hydrocarbons from which it must be separated. We show from single-cryst...
- 2017-07-10 Iodide management in formamidinium-lead-halide–based perovskite layers for e...
- The formation of a dense and uniform thin layer on the substrates is crucial for the fabrication of high-performance perovskite solar cells (PSCs) containing formamidinium with multiple cations and mi...