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Real-time observation of cation exchange kinetics and dynamics at the muscovite-water interface

Ion exchange at charged solid–liquid interfaces is central to a broad range of chemical and transport phenomena. Real-time observations of adsorption/desorption at the molecular-scale elucidate exchange reaction pathways. Here we report temporal variation in the distribution of Rb+ species at the muscovite (001)–water interface during exchange with Na+. Time-resolved resonant anomalous X-ray reflectivity measurements at 25 °C reveal that Rb+ desorption occurs over several tens of seconds during which thermodynamically stable inner-sphere Rb+ slowly transforms to a less stable outer-sphere Rb+. In contrast, Rb+ adsorption is about twice as fast, proceeding from Rb+ in the bulk solution to the stable inner-sphere species. The Arrhenius plot of the adsorption/desorption rate constants measured from 9 to 55 °C shows that the pre-exponential factor for desorption is significantly smaller than that for adsorption, indicating that this reduced attempt frequency of cation detachment largely explains the slow cation exchange processes at the interface.

Nature Communications 8, Article number: 15826 (2017)


发布日期:2017/06/19 发布者: 点击数: