Single material-based monolithic optoelectronic integration with complementary metal oxide semiconductor-compatible signal processing circuits is one of the most pursued approaches in the post-Moore era to realize rapid data communication and functional diversification in a limited three-dimensional space. Here, we report an electrically driven carbon nanotube-based on-chip three-dimensional optoelectronic integrated circuit. We demonstrate that photovoltaic receivers, electrically driven transmitters and on-chip electronic circuits can all be fabricated using carbon nanotubes via a complementary metal oxide semiconductor-compatible low-temperature process, providing a seamless integration platform for realizing monolithic three-dimensional optoelectronic integrated circuits with diversified functionality such as the heterogeneous AND gates. These circuits can be vertically scaled down to sub-30 nm and operates in photovoltaic mode at room temperature. Parallel optical communication between functional layers, for example, bottom-layer digital circuits and top-layer memory, has been demonstrated by mapping data using a 2 × 2 transmitter/receiver array, which could be extended as the next generation energy-efficient signal processing paradigm.
Nature Communications 8, Article number: 15649 (2017)