- 2015-10-28 Atomic cobalt on nitrogen-doped graphene for hydrogen generation
- Reduction of water to hydrogen through electrocatalysis holds great promise for clean energy, but its large-scale application relies on the development of inexpensive and efficient catalysts to replac...
- 2015-10-28 Simultaneous enhancements in photon absorption and charge transport of bismut...
- n-Type bismuth vanadate has been identified as one of the most promising photoanodes for use in a water-splitting photoelectrochemical cell. The major limitation of BiVO4 is its relatively wide bandga...
- 2015-10-28 Methane storage in flexible metal–organic frameworks with intrinsic thermal ...
- As a cleaner, cheaper, and more globally evenly distributed fuel, natural gas has considerable environmental, economic, and political advantages over petroleum as a source of energy for the transporta...
- 2015-10-27 Janus Solid–Liquid Interface Enabling Ultrahigh Charging and Discharging Rat...
- LiFePO4 has long been held as one of the most promising battery cathode for its high energy storage capacity. Meanwhile, although extensive studies have been conducted on the interfacial chemistries i...
- 2015-10-27 Applied catalysis for sustainable development of chemical industry in China
- Progressing green chemical technologies is significant to the sustainable development of chemical industry in China, as the energy and environment problems increasingly became great challenges to the ...
- 2015-10-27 Graphene/Sulfur Hybrid Nanosheets from a Space-Confined “Sauna” Reaction fo...
- A space-confined “sauna” reaction system is introduced for the simultaneous reduction and functionalization of graphene oxide to unique graphene–sulfur hybrid nanosheets, in which thin layers of am...
- 2015-10-27 Site-Selective Trimetallic Heterogeneous Nanostructures for Enhanced Electroc...
- Trimetallic Au/Ag/Pt hetero-nanostructures (AAPHNs) with distinctive, designed morphology are synthesized by galvanic replacement reaction and a site-selective strategy. The three metals present on th...
- 2015-10-26 Identification of active sites in CO oxidation and water-gas shift over suppo...
- Identification and characterization of catalytic active sites are the prerequisites for an atomic-level understanding of the catalytic mechanism and rational design of high-performance heterogeneous catalysts. Indirect evidence in recent reports suggests that platinum (Pt) single atoms are except...
- 2015-10-22 Planar carbon nanotube-graphene hybrid films for high-performance broadband p...
- Graphene has emerged as a promising material for photonic applications fuelled by its superior electronic and optical properties. However, the photoresponsivity is limited by the low absorption cross-...
- 2015-10-22 Square-Centimeter Solution-Processed Planar CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite Solar Cells...
- The preparation of uniform, high-crystallinity planar perovskite films with high-aspect-ratio grains over a square-inch area is demonstrated. The best power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 16.3% (stabi...
- 2015-10-22 CO2 capture from humid flue gases and humid atmosphere using a microporous co...
- Capturing CO2 from humid flue gases and atmosphere with porous materials remains costly because prior dehydration of the gases is required. A large number of microporous materials with physical adsorp...
- 2015-10-19 Commercial boost for firms that suck carbon from air
- It has long been regarded as one of the more blue-skies solutions to climate change. Now two companies have vastly increased their capability to suck carbon dioxide from the air. One, based in Canada,...
- 2015-10-19 Reversible amorphization and the catalytically active state of crystalline Co...
- Water splitting catalysed by earth-abundant materials is pivotal for global-scale production of non-fossil fuels, yet our understanding of the active catalyst structure and reactivity is still insuffi...
- 2015-10-19 High catalytic activity of oriented 2.0.0 copper(I) oxide grown on graphene f...
- Metal oxide nanoparticles supported on graphene exhibit high catalytic activity for oxidation, reduction and coupling reactions. Here we show that pyrolysis at 900 °C under inert atmosphere of copper...
- 2015-10-19 Encapsulation of sulfur with thin-layered nickel-based hydroxides for long-cy...
- Elemental sulfur cathodes for lithium/sulfur cells are still in the stage of intensive research due to their unsatisfactory capacity retention and cyclability. The undesired capacity degradation upon ...
- 2015-10-19 Hydrogenation of carboxylic acids with a homogeneous cobalt catalyst
- The reduction of esters and carboxylic acids to alcohols is a highly relevant conversion for the pharmaceutical and fine-chemical industries and for biomass conversion. It is commonly performed using ...
- 2015-10-14 Carbon/Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells: State of the Art and Prospects
- In the last few decades, advances and breakthroughs of carbon materials have been witnessed in both scientific fundamentals and potential applications. The combination of carbon materials with traditi...
- 2015-10-13 Iron sensitizer converts light to electrons with 92% yield
- Solar energy conversion in photovoltaics or photocatalysis involves light harvesting, or sensitization, of a semiconductor or catalyst as a first step. Rare elements are frequently used for this purpo...
- 2015-10-13 A New Tubular Graphene Form of a Tetrahedrally Connected Cellular Structure
- 3D architectures constructed from a tubular graphene network can withstand repeated >95% compression cycling without damage. Aided by intertubular covalent bonding, this material takes full advantage ...
- 2015-10-12 Dielectric shell isolated and graphene shell isolated nanoparticle enhanced R...
- Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) is a powerful technique that provides fingerprint vibrational information with ultrahigh sensitivity. However, only a few metals (gold, silver and copper) yiel...