- 2015-09-30 Carrier separation and transport in perovskite solar cells studied by nanomet...
- Organometal–halide perovskite solar cells have greatly improved in just a few years to a power conversion efficiency exceeding 20%. This technology shows unprecedented promise for terawatt-scale depl...
- 2015-09-30 Multiplex lithography for multilevel multiscale architectures and its applica...
- The production of multiscale architectures is of significant interest in materials science, and the integration of those structures could provide a breakthrough for various applications. Here we repor...
- 2015-09-30 Raman spectroscopy as probe of nanometre-scale strain variations in graphene
- Confocal Raman spectroscopy has emerged as a major, versatile workhorse for the non-invasive characterization of graphene. Although it is successfully used to determine the number of layers, the quali...
- 2015-09-30 Ultrahigh volumetric capacitance and cyclic stability of fluorine and nitroge...
- Highly porous nanostructures with large surface areas are typically employed for electrical double-layer capacitors to improve gravimetric energy storage capacity; however, high surface area carbon-ba...
- 2015-09-29 Hierarchically arranged helical fibre actuators driven by solvents and vapour...
- Mechanical responsiveness in many plants is produced by helical organizations of cellulose microfibrils. However, simple mimicry of these naturally occurring helical structures does not produce artifi...
- 2015-09-29 A carbon nanotube optical rectenna
- An optical rectenna—a device that directly converts free-propagating electromagnetic waves at optical frequencies to direct current—was first proposed over 40 years ago, yet this concept has not bee...
- 2015-09-29 Magnetically assisted slip casting of bioinspired heterogeneous composites
- Natural composites are often heterogeneous to fulfil functional demands. Manufacturing analogous materials remains difficult, however, owing to the lack of adequate and easily accessible processing to...
- 2015-09-29 Efficient hydrogen evolution catalysis using ternary pyrite-type cobalt phosp...
- The scalable and sustainable production of hydrogen fuel through water splitting demands efficient and robust Earth-abundant catalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). Building on promising ...
- 2015-09-29 An electrodeposited inhomogeneous metal-insulator-semiconductor junction for ...
- The photoelectrochemical splitting of water into hydrogen and oxygen requires a semiconductor to absorb light and generate electron-hole pairs, and a catalyst to enhance the kinetics of electron trans...
- 2015-09-28 High damage tolerance of electrochemically lithiated silicon
- Mechanical degradation and resultant capacity fade in high-capacity electrode materials critically hinder their use in high-performance rechargeable batteries. Despite tremendous efforts devoted to th...
- 2015-09-28 Unravelling doping effects on PEDOT at the molecular level: from geometry to ...
- Tuning carrier concentration via chemical doping is the most successful strategy to optimize the thermoelectric figure of merit. Nevertheless, how the dopants affect charge transport is not completely...
- 2015-09-25 Radiative cooling of solar absorbers using a visibly transparent photonic cry...
- SignificanceThe coldness of the universe is an enormous but strikingly underexploited thermodynamic resource. Its direct utilization on Earth therefore represents an important frontier for renewable e...
- 2015-09-25 Alkaline quinone flow battery
- Storage of photovoltaic and wind electricity in batteries could solve the mismatch problem between the intermittent supply of these renewable resources and variable demand. Flow batteries permit more ...
- 2015-09-25 Platinum-nickel frame within metal-organic framework fabricated in situ for h...
- Developing catalysts that provide the effective activation of hydrogen and selective absorption of substrate on metal surface is crucial to simultaneously improve activity and selectivity of hydrogena...
- 2015-09-25 Direct view on the phase evolution in individual LiFePO4 nanoparticles during...
- Phase transitions in Li-ion electrode materials during (dis)charge are decisive for battery performance, limiting high-rate capabilities and playing a crucial role in the cycle life of Li-ion batterie...
- 2015-09-25 Palladium-Based Nanomaterials: Synthesis and Electrochemical Applications
- Pd is well-known for its remarkable capacity for hydrogen absorption/adsorption, and is broadly employed as a primary catalyst for the low-temperature reduction of automobile pollutants, hydrogenation...
- 2015-09-25 Flow Batteries: Current Status and Trends
- The projected life of RFB systems is longer than that of conventional batteries, although it should be still verified in field tests. Combined with higher usable storage capacity of RFBs, it results i...
- 2015-09-25 Atomically thin two-dimensional organic-inorganic hybrid perovskites
- Organic-inorganic hybrid perovskites, which have proved to be promising semiconductor materials for photovoltaic applications, have been made into atomically thin two-dimensional (2D) sheets. We repor...
- 2015-09-25 Atomistic understandings of reduced graphene oxide as an ultrathin-film nanop...
- The intrinsic defects in reduced graphene oxide (rGO) formed during reduction processes can act as nanopores, making rGO a promising ultrathin-film membrane candidate for separations. To assess the po...
- 2015-09-22 Graphite-Conjugated Pyrazines as Molecularly Tunable Heterogeneous Electrocat...
- Condensation of ortho-phenylenediamine derivatives with ortho-quinone moieties at edge planes of graphitic carbon generates graphite-conjugated pyrazines (GCPs) that are active for oxygen reduction el...