- 2015-10-12 Tellurium electrodes boost lithium batteries
- Tellurium electrodes have higher energy densities and may be charged and discharged faster than conventional electrode materials.Singapore's Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) resear...
- 2015-10-10 Bio-Derived, Binderless, Hierarchically Porous Carbon Anodes for Li-ion Batte...
- Here we explore the electrochemical performance of pyrolyzed skins from the species A. bisporus, also known as the Portobello mushroom, as free-standing, binder-free, and current collector-free Li-ion...
- 2015-10-10 Flexible, highly efficient all-polymer solar cells
- All-polymer solar cells have shown great potential as flexible and portable power generators. These devices should offer good mechanical endurance with high power-conversion efficiency for viability i...
- 2015-10-10 Finding optimal surface sites on heterogeneous catalysts by counting nearest ...
- A good heterogeneous catalyst for a given chemical reaction very often has only one specific type of surface site that is catalytically active. Widespread methodologies such as Sabatier-type activity ...
- 2015-10-10 Nonadditivity of nanoparticle interactions
- Understanding interactions between inorganic nanoparticles (NPs) is central to comprehension of self-organization processes and a wide spectrum of physical, chemical, and biological phenomena. However...
- 2015-10-10 Review of the U.S. Department of Energy’s “Deep Dive” Effort to Understand...
- The commercial introduction of the lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery nearly 25 years ago marked a technological turning point. Portable electronics, dependent on energy storage devices, have permeated our ...
- 2015-10-08 Harnessing the Synergistic and Complementary Properties of Fullerene and Tran...
- Transition-metal-containing moieties can be combined with fullerene cages in a number of different ways either endohedrally, encased within the fullerene cage, or exohedrally, attached to the cage ext...
- 2015-10-08 Electrochemistry of Nanostructured Layered Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides
- Layered transition-metal dichalcogenides have very interesting electrochemical properties which depend on their elemental composition, crystal structure, size, and defects. Their electrochemistry is s...
- 2015-10-08 Light-Driven Heterogeneous Reduction of Carbon Dioxide: Photocatalysts and Ph...
- A wide variety of semiconductor systems have proven capable of harnessing near-ultraviolet and visible light and using that energy to drive the reduction of carbon dioxide through photocatalysis or ph...
- 2015-10-08 Interfacial Donor–Acceptor Engineering of Nanofiber Materials To Achieve Pho...
- Self-assembly of π-conjugate molecules often leads to formation of well-defined nanofibril structures dominated by the columnar π–π stacking between the molecular planes. These nanofibril material...
- 2015-10-08 Self-assembled hybrid metal oxide base catalysts prepared by simply mixing wi...
- Multidentate materials formed by simply mixing heterogeneous and homogeneous components are promising for construction of versatile active sites on the surface of heterogeneous compounds, however, to ...
- 2015-10-08 End-bonded contacts for carbon nanotube transistors with low, size-independen...
- Moving beyond the limits of silicon transistors requires both a high-performance channel and high-quality electrical contacts. Carbon nanotubes provide high-performance channels below 10 nanometers, b...
- 2015-10-08 Megasupramolecules for safer, cleaner fuel by end association of long teleche...
- We used statistical mechanics to design polymers that defy conventional wisdom by self-assembling into “megasupramolecules” (≥5000 kg/mol) at low concentration (≤0.3 weight percent). Theoretical t...
- 2015-10-08 Understanding catalysis in a multiphasic two-dimensional transition metal dic...
- Establishing processing–structure–property relationships for monolayer materials is crucial for a range of applications spanning optics, catalysis, electronics and energy. Presently, for molybdenum ...
- 2015-10-08 Patched bimetallic surfaces are active catalysts for ammonia decomposition
- Ammonia decomposition is often used as an archetypical reaction for predicting new catalytic materials and understanding the very reason of why some reactions are sensitive on material’s structure. C...
- 2015-10-08 A tunable azine covalent organic framework platform for visible light-induced...
- Hydrogen evolution from photocatalytic reduction of water holds promise as a sustainable source of carbon-free energy. Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) present an interesting new class of photoactiv...
- 2015-10-08 2015诺贝尔自然科学奖揭晓
- 生理学或医学奖:对抗寄生虫病的胜利 William C.Campbell 1930年出生于爱尔兰,1957年获得美国威斯康星大学博士学位,目前是美国杜尔大学的名誉研究员。 Satoshi 魶mura 1935年出生于日本,1968年获得东京大学药学博...
- 2015-10-08 Protic Ionic Liquids: Evolving Structure–Property Relationships and Expandin...
- The inherent nature of PILs of having protons available for proton conduction, without needing to be acidic, makes them highly suitable as electrolytes, such as in fuel cells and batteries. A perspect...
- 2015-10-08 Perovskite solar cells: Crystal crosslinking
- 通讯员马坤 记者刘万生 9月29日,大连理工大学精细化工国家重点实验室孙立成教授应邀在2015年9月出版的《自然化学》期刊以“ 钙钛矿太阳能电池: 晶体铰链”为题发表文章,对钙钛矿太阳能电池结构组成、工作原理、近几...
- 2015-09-30 Multiple-exciton generation in lead selenide nanorod solar cells with externa...
- Multiple-exciton generation—a process in which multiple charge-carrier pairs are generated from a single optical excitation—is a promising way to improve the photocurrent in photovoltaic devices and...