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Finding optimal surface sites on heterogeneous catalysts by counting nearest neighbors

A good heterogeneous catalyst for a given chemical reaction very often has only one specific type of surface site that is catalytically active. Widespread methodologies such as Sabatier-type activity plots determine optimal adsorption energies to maximize catalytic activity, but these are difficult to use as guidelines to devise new catalysts. We introduce “coordination-activity plots” that predict the geometric structure of optimal active sites. The method is illustrated on the oxygen reduction reaction catalyzed by platinum. Sites with the same number of first-nearest neighbors as (111) terraces but with an increased number of second-nearest neighbors are predicted to have superior catalytic activity. We used this rationale to create highly active sites on platinum (111), without alloying and using three different affordable experimental methods.

Science 9 October 2015:
Vol. 350 no. 6257 pp. 185-189
DOI: 10.1126/science.aab3501



发布日期:2015/10/10 发布者: 点击数: