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Atomic cobalt on nitrogen-doped graphene for hydrogen generation

Reduction of water to hydrogen through electrocatalysis holds great promise for clean energy, but its large-scale application relies on the development of inexpensive and efficient catalysts to replace precious platinum catalysts. Here we report an electrocatalyst for hydrogen generation based on very small amounts of cobalt dispersed as individual atoms on nitrogen-doped graphene. This catalyst is robust and highly active in aqueous media with very low overpotentials (30 mV). A variety of analytical techniques and electrochemical measurements suggest that the catalytically active sites are associated with the metal centres coordinated to nitrogen. This unusual atomic constitution of supported metals is suggestive of a new approach to preparing extremely efficient single-atom catalysts.

Nature Communications 6, Article number: 8668 doi:10.1038/ncomms9668
Received 23 June 2015 Accepted 17 September 2015 Published 21 October 2015



利用催化剂可将水分解氢和氧。来自中国科学院、美国莱斯大学、德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校及休斯顿大学的科学家近日在《Nature Communications》杂志上报告,他们开发出一种稳定的固态催化剂,可取代昂贵的铂来制氢,在利用低成本催化剂生产能源方面迈出了重要一步。






发布日期:2015/10/28 发布者: 点击数: