- 2016-05-03 Novel porous molybdenum tungsten phosphide hybrid nanosheets on carbon cloth ...
- Nanostructural modification and chemical composition tuning are paramount to developing effective non-noble hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) catalysts for water splitting. Herein, we report a novel e...
- 2016-05-03 Nanocrack-regulated self-humidifying membranes
- The regulation of water content in polymeric membranes is important in a number of applications, such as reverse electrodialysis and proton-exchange fuel-cell membranes. External thermal and water man...
- 2016-05-03 Covalent functionalization and passivation of exfoliated black phosphorus via...
- Functionalization of atomically thin nanomaterials enables the tailoring of their chemical, optical and electronic properties. Exfoliated black phosphorus (BP)—a layered two-dimensional semiconductor...
- 2016-05-03 A supramolecular ruthenium macrocycle with high catalytic activity for water ...
- Mimicking the ingenuity of nature and exploiting the billions of years over which natural selection has developed numerous effective biochemical conversions is one of the most successful strategies in...
- 2016-05-03 Electrical generation and control of the valley carriers in a monolayer trans...
- Electrically controlling the flow of charge carriers is the foundation of modern electronics. By accessing the extra spin degree of freedom (DOF) in electronics, spintronics allows for information pro...
- 2016-05-03 Wafer-scale monodomain films of spontaneously aligned single-walled carbon na...
- The one-dimensional character of electrons, phonons and excitons in individual single-walled carbon nanotubes leads to extremely anisotropic electronic, thermal and optical properties. However, despit...
- 2016-05-03 Proton conduction in crystalline and porous covalent organic frameworks
- Progress over the past decades in proton-conducting materials has generated a variety of polyelectrolytes and microporous polymers. However, most studies are still based on a preconception that large ...
- 2016-05-03 Reconstructing solute-induced phase transformations within individual nanocry...
- Strain and defects can significantly impact the performance of functional nanomaterials. This effect is well exemplified by energy storage systems, in which structural changes such as volume expansion...
- 2016-04-29 Guiding Principles of Hydrogenase Catalysis Instigated and Clarified by Prote...
- Protein film electrochemistry (PFE) is providing cutting-edge insight into the chemical principles underpinning biological hydrogen. Attached to an electrode, many enzymes exhibit “reversible” elect...
- 2016-04-27 Promoting solution phase discharge in Li–O2 batteries containing weakly solv...
- On discharge, the Li–O2 battery can form a Li2O2 film on the cathode surface, leading to low capacities, low rates and early cell death, or it can form Li2O2 particles in solution, leading to high ca...
- 2016-04-22 Nanostructured photoelectrochemical solar cell for nitrogen reduction using p...
- Ammonia (NH3) is one of the most widely produced chemicals worldwide. It has application in the production of many important chemicals, particularly fertilizers. It is also, potentially, an important ...
- 2016-04-22 Rational design of efficient electrode–electrolyte interfaces for solid-stat...
- The rational design of improved electrode–electrolyte interfaces (EEI) for energy storage is critically dependent on a molecular-level understanding of ionic interactions and nanoscale phenomena. The...
- 2016-04-22 Scalable salt-templated synthesis of two-dimensional transition metal oxides
- Two-dimensional atomic crystals, such as two-dimensional oxides, have attracted much attention in energy storage because nearly all of the atoms can be exposed to the electrolyte and involved in redox...
- 2016-04-22 Atomic-scale control of graphene magnetism by using hydrogen atoms
- Hydrogen atom makes graphene magneticGraphene has many extraordinary mechanical and electronic properties, but it's not magnetic. To make it so, the simplest strategy is to modify its electronic struc...
- 2016-04-20 Small Angle X-ray Scattering for Nanoparticle Research
- X-ray scattering is a structural characterization tool that has impacted diverse fields of study. It is unique in its ability to examine materials in real time and under realistic sample environments,...
- 2016-04-20 Intermediate honeycomb ordering to trigger oxygen redox chemistry in layered ...
- Sodium-ion batteries are attractive energy storage media owing to the abundance of sodium, but the low capacities of available cathode materials make them impractical. Sodium-excess metal oxides Na2MO...
- 2016-04-20 Reversible aqueous zinc/manganese oxide energy storage from conversion reacti...
- Rechargeable aqueous batteries such as alkaline zinc/manganese oxide batteries are highly desirable for large-scale energy storage owing to their low cost and high safety; however, cycling stability i...
- 2016-04-20 Structure, Properties, Functionalization, and Applications of Carbon Nanohorn...
- Carbon nanohorns (sometimes also known as nanocones) are conical carbon nanostructures constructed from an sp2 carbon sheet. Nanohorns require no metal catalyst in their synthesis, and can be pro...
- 2016-04-19 Controlling activity and selectivity using water in the Au-catalysed preferen...
- Industrial hydrogen production through methane steam reforming exceeds 50 million tons annually and accounts for 2–5% of global energy consumption. The hydrogen product, even after processing by the ...
- 2016-04-18 Tailored semiconducting carbon nanotube networks with enhanced thermoelectric...
- Thermoelectric power generation, allowing recovery of part of the energy wasted as heat, is emerging as an important component of renewable energy and energy efficiency portfolios. Although inorganic ...