- 2016-04-07 Evolution of the electrochemical interface in high-temperature fuel cells and...
- The critical region determining the performance and lifetime of solid oxide electrochemical systems is normally at the electrode side of the electrode/electrolyte interface. Typically this electrochem...
- 2016-04-01 Tuning the activity of Pt alloy electrocatalysts by means of the lanthanide c...
- A lanthanide boost for platinumHigh loadings of precious platinum are needed for automotive fuel cells, because the kinetics of the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) are relatively slow. Escudero-Escrib...
- 2016-04-01 A graphene-based electrochemical device with thermoresponsive microneedles fo...
- Owing to its high carrier mobility, conductivity, flexibility and optical transparency, graphene is a versatile material in micro- and macroelectronics. However, the low density of electrochemically a...
- 2016-04-01 Quantum Hall effect in black phosphorus two-dimensional electron system
- The development of new, high-quality functional materials has been at the forefront of condensed-matter research. The recent advent of two-dimensional black phosphorus has greatly enriched the materia...
- 2016-04-01 Observation of ionic Coulomb blockade in nanopores
- Emergent behaviour from electron-transport properties is routinely observed in systems with dimensions approaching the nanoscale. However, analogous mesoscopic behaviour resulting from ionic transport...
- 2016-03-31 Direct hydrodeoxygenation of raw woody biomass into liquid alkanes
- Being the only sustainable source of organic carbon, biomass is playing an ever-increasingly important role in our energy landscape. The conversion of renewable lignocellulosic biomass into liquid fue...
- 2016-03-31 Silicon oxycarbide glass-graphene composite paper electrode for long-cycle li...
- Silicon and graphene are promising anode materials for lithium-ion batteries because of their high theoretical capacity; however, low volumetric energy density, poor efficiency and instability in high...
- 2016-03-31 Visualizing coherent intermolecular dipole–dipole coupling in real space
- Many important energy-transfer and optical processes, in both biological and artificial systems, depend crucially on excitonic coupling that spans several chromophores. Such coupling can in principle ...
- 2016-03-31 Growth of semiconducting single-wall carbon nanotubes with a narrow band-gap ...
- The growth of high-quality semiconducting single-wall carbon nanotubes with a narrow band-gap distribution is crucial for the fabrication of high-performance electronic devices. However, the single-wa...
- 2016-03-31 Conductive Nanostructured Scaffolds Render Low Local Current Density to Inhib...
- A nanostructured lithium-metal anode employing an unstacked graphene “drum” and dual-salt electrolyte brings about a dendrite-free lithium depositing morphology. On the one hand, the unstacked graphene framework with ultrahigh specific surface area guarantees an ultralow local current density t...
- 2016-03-29 Experimental realization of two-dimensional boron sheets
- A variety of two-dimensional materials have been reported in recent years, yet single-element systems such as graphene and black phosphorus have remained rare. Boron analogues have been predicted, as ...
- 2016-03-29 Conductive Nanostructured Scaffolds Render Low Local Current Density to Inhib...
- A nanostructured lithium-metal anode employing an unstacked graphene “drum” and dual-salt electrolyte brings about a dendrite-free lithium depositing morphology. On the one hand, the unstacked graph...
- 2016-03-28 Scalable water splitting on particulate photocatalyst sheets with a solar-to-...
- Photocatalytic water splitting using particulate semiconductors is a potentially scalable and economically feasible technology for converting solar energy into hydrogen. Z-scheme systems based on two-...
- 2016-03-28 Catalytic borylation of methane
- Methane borylation in a cyclohexane seaAlthough methane combusts readily at high temperatures, it is generally the hardest hydrocarbon to transform under gentler conditions, owing to its particularly ...
- 2016-03-28 Homogeneously dispersed, multimetal oxygen-evolving catalysts
- Earth-abundant first-row (3d) transition-metal-based catalysts have been developed for the oxygen-evolution reaction (OER); however, they operate at overpotentials significantly above thermodynamic re...
- 2016-03-28 Two-dimensional nanofluidics
- The remarkable electronic properties of graphene and related two-dimensional (2D) materials result from the confinement of electrons within the material. Similarly, the interstitial space between 2D m...
- 2016-03-25 Photon recycling in lead iodide perovskite solar cells
- Perovskite solar cells recycle photonsInorganic-organic perovskite solar cells are very efficient in part because the charge carriers exhibit very long path lengths. Pazos-Outón et al. show that photo...
- 2016-03-25 Calcium-based multi-element chemistry for grid-scale electrochemical energy s...
- Calcium is an attractive material for the negative electrode in a rechargeable battery due to its low electronegativity (high cell voltage), double valence, earth abundance and low cost; however, the ...
- 2016-03-25 Discovery of abnormal lithium-storage sites in molybdenum dioxide electrodes
- Developing electrode materials with high-energy densities is important for the development of lithium-ion batteries. Here, we demonstrate a mesoporous molybdenum dioxide material with abnormal lithium...
- 2016-03-25 Water electrolysis on La1−xSrxCoO3−δ perovskite electrocatalysts
- Perovskite oxides are attractive candidates as catalysts for the electrolysis of water in alkaline energy storage and conversion systems. However, the rational design of active catalysts has been hamp...