- 2016-05-23 Light-activated photocurrent degradation and self-healing in perovskite solar...
- Solution-processed organometallic perovskite solar cells have emerged as one of the most promising thin-film photovoltaic technology. However, a key challenge is their lack of stability over prolonged...
- 2016-05-17 Quasicrystallinity expressed in two-dimensional coordination networks
- The recognition of quasicrystals, which exhibit long-range order but lack translational symmetry, represented both the introduction of a new class of materials and a transformative breakthrough in cry...
- 2016-05-11 Visualizing non-equilibrium lithiation of spinel oxide via in situ transmissi...
- Spinel transition metal oxides are important electrode materials for lithium-ion batteries, whose lithiation undergoes a two-step reaction, whereby intercalation and conversion occur in a sequential m...
- 2016-05-11 Superior visible light hydrogen evolution of Janus bilayer junctions via atom...
- Although photocatalytic hydrogen evolution (PHE) is ideal for solar-to-fuel conversion, it remains challenging to construct a highly efficient PHE system by steering the charge flow in a precise manne...
- 2016-05-11 Direct electronic measurement of Peltier cooling and heating in graphene
- Thermoelectric effects allow the generation of electrical power from waste heat and the electrical control of cooling and heating. Remarkably, these effects are also highly sensitive to the asymmetry ...
- 2016-05-11 Metal halide perovskites for energy applications
- Exploring prospective materials for energy production and storage is one of the biggest challenges of this century. Solar energy is one of the most important renewable energy resources, due to its wid...
- 2016-05-11 Functionalization mediates heat transport in graphene nanoflakes
- The high thermal conductivity of graphene and few-layer graphene undergoes severe degradations through contact with the substrate. Here we show experimentally that the thermal management of a micro he...
- 2016-05-11 Atomistic understanding of cation exchange in PbS nanocrystals using simulati...
- Cation exchange is a powerful tool for the synthesis of nanostructures such as core–shell nanocrystals, however, the underlying mechanism is poorly understood. Interactions of cations with ligands an...
- 2016-05-10 Fabrication of carbon nanorods and graphene nanoribbons from a metal-organic ...
- One- and two-dimensional carbon nanomaterials are attracting considerable attention because of their extraordinary electrical, mechanical and thermal properties, which could lead to a range of importa...
- 2016-05-09 Multi-shelled metal oxides prepared via an anion-adsorption mechanism for lit...
- One of the major problems in the development of lithium-ion batteries is the relatively low capacity of cathode materials compared to anode materials. Owing to its high theoretical capacity, vanadium ...
- 2016-05-09 Semiconductor nanowire lasers
- The discovery and continued development of the laser has revolutionized both science and industry. The advent of miniaturized, semiconductor lasers has made this technology an integral part of everyda...
- 2016-05-06 Uniform patchy and hollow rectangular platelet micelles from crystallizable p...
- Growing patterned rectangular objectsThe growth of patterned objects usually requires a template to aid the positioning of multiple materials. Qiu et al. used the seeded growth of a crystallizable blo...
- 2016-05-06 3D self-assembly of aluminium nanoparticles for plasmon-enhanced solar desali...
- Plasmonics has generated tremendous excitement because of its unique capability to focus light into subwavelength volumes, beneficial for various applications such as light harvesting, photodetection4...
- 2016-05-06 Proton transfer dynamics control the mechanism of O2 reduction by a non-preci...
- Many chemical and biological processes involve the transfer of both protons and electrons. The complex mechanistic details of these proton-coupled electron transfer (PCET) reactions require independen...
- 2016-05-06 Mesoporous materials for energy conversion and storage devices
- To meet the growing energy demands in a low-carbon economy, the development of new materials that improve the efficiency of energy conversion and storage systems is essential. Mesoporous materials off...
- 2016-05-06 Extremely Weak van der Waals Coupling in Vertical ReS 2 Nanowalls for High-C...
- The synthesis of vertical ReS2 nanowalls on 3D graphene foam (V-ReS2/3DGF) is demonstrated by a chemical vapor deposition route. The vertical nanowall structure leads to an effective exposure of activ...
- 2016-05-05 Semi-metallic Be5C2 monolayer global minimum with quasi-planar pentacoordinat...
- Designing new materials with novel topological properties and reduced dimensionality is always desirable for material innovation. Here we report the design of a two-dimensional material, namely Be5C2 ...
- 2016-05-05 Seawater usable for production and consumption of hydrogen peroxide as a sola...
- Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in water has been proposed as a promising solar fuel instead of gaseous hydrogen because of advantages on easy storage and high energy density, being used as a fuel of a one-c...
- 2016-05-05 Near-field dielectric scattering promotes optical absorption by platinum nano...
- Recent years have seen a surge of interest in tuning the optical properties of metals for a wide range of applications. In contrast to the well-studied plasmonic metals (mainly Au and Ag), which have ...
- 2016-05-04 Origin of low sodium capacity in graphite and generally weak substrate bindin...
- SignificanceThe growing demand for energy storage urges the development of alternative cation batteries, which calls for a systematic understanding of binding energetics. We discover a general phenome...