- 2015-07-26 Highly Efficient Electron Transport Obtained by Doping PCBM with Graphdiyne i...
- Organic-inorganic perovskite solar cells have recently emerged at the forefront of photovoltaics research. Here, for the first time, graphdiyne (GD), a novel two dimension carbon material, is doped in...
- 2015-07-25 The water catalysis at oxygen cathodes of lithium-oxygen cells
- Lithium-oxygen cells have attracted extensive interests due to their high theoretical energy densities. The main challenges are the low round-trip efficiency and cycling instability over long time. Ho...
- 2015-07-25 Readily processed protonic ceramic fuel cells with high performance at low te...
- Because of the generally lower activation energy associated with proton conduction in oxides compared to oxygen ion conduction, protonic ceramic fuel cells (PCFCs) should be able to operate at lower t...
- 2015-07-25 Platinum-based nanocages with subnanometer-thick walls and well-defined, cont...
- A cost-effective catalyst should have a high dispersion of the active atoms, together with a controllable surface structure for the optimization of activity, selectivity, or both. We fabricated nanoca...
- 2015-07-23 Non-wetting surface-driven high-aspect-ratio crystalline grain growth for eff...
- Large-aspect-ratio grains are needed in polycrystalline thin-film solar cells for reduced charge recombination at grain boundaries; however, the grain size in organolead trihalide perovskite (OTP) fil...
- 2015-07-22 Engineering Ordered and Nonordered Porous Noble Metal Nanostructures: Synthes...
- In this review, we extensively covered different types of PNMNs, ranging from ordered to nonordered porous nanostructures. From the perspective of the synthetic approaches, a broad range of PNMNs, suc...
- 2015-07-22 Hot-Electron-Mediated Surface Chemistry: Toward Electronic Control of Catalyt...
- Energy dissipation at surfaces and interfaces is mediated by excitation of elementary processes, including phonons and electronic excitation, once external energy is deposited to the surface during ex...
- 2015-07-22 Black silicon solar cells with interdigitated back-contacts achieve 22.1% eff...
- The nanostructuring of silicon surfaces-known as black silicon-is a promising approach to eliminate front-surface reflection in photovoltaic devices without the need for a conventional antireflection ...
- 2015-07-20 Resonant internal quantum transitions and femtosecond radiative decay of exci...
- Atomically thin two-dimensional crystals have revolutionized materials science. In particular, monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides promise novel optoelectronic applications, owing to their dire...
- 2015-07-20 An environmentally benign antimicrobial nanoparticle based on a silver-infuse...
- Silver nanoparticles have antibacterial properties, but their use has been a cause for concern because they persist in the environment. Here, we show that lignin nanoparticles infused with silver ions...
- 2015-07-20 Room-temperature single-photon generation from solitary dopants of carbon nan...
- On-demand single-photon sources capable of operating at room temperature and the telecom wavelength range of 1,300–1,500 nm hold the key to the realization of novel technologies that span from sub-d...
- 2015-07-20 Large anelasticity and associated energy dissipation in single-crystalline na...
- Anelastic materials exhibit gradual full recovery of deformation once a load is removed, leading to dissipation of internal mechanical energy1. As a consequence, anelastic materials are being investig...
- 2015-07-20 An Interface Co assembly in Bi liquid Phase: Towards Core-Shell Magnetic Meso...
- Core-shell magnetic mesoporous silica microspheres (Magn-MSMs) with tunable large mesopores in the shell are highly desired in biocatalysis, magnetic bio-separation and enrichment. In this study, a sh...
- 2015-07-20 Translating Molecular Recognition into a Pressure Signal to enable Rapid, Sen...
- Herein, we demonstrate that a very familiar, yet underutilized, physical parameter-gas pressure-can serve as signal readout for highly sensitive bioanalysis. Integration of a catalyzed gas-generation ...
- 2015-07-18 Long life Li/polysulphide batteries with high sulphur loading enabled by ligh...
- Lithium-sulphur batteries with a high theoretical energy density are regarded as promising energy storage devices for electric vehicles and large-scale electricity storage. However, the low active mat...
- 2015-07-18 A generic concept to overcome bandgap limitations for designing highly effici...
- The multi-junction concept is the most relevant approach to overcome the Shockley–Queisser limit for single-junction photovoltaic cells. The record efficiencies of several types of solar technologies...
- 2015-07-18 Efficient water reduction with gallium phosphide nanowires
- Photoelectrochemical hydrogen production from solar energy and water offers a clean and sustainable fuel option for the future. Planar III/V material systems have shown the highest efficiencies, but a...
- 2015-07-14 Molecular Catalysts for Water Oxidation
- The development of technologies for the production of chemical fuels or useful compounds with renewable energy (e.g., sunlight) and inexpensive feedstocks relies on an abundant supply of protons and e...
- 2015-07-14 Quantitative operando visualization of the energy band depth profile in solar...
- The energy band alignment in solar cell devices is critically important because it largely governs elementary photovoltaic processes, such as the generation, separation, transport, recombination and c...
- 2015-07-14 Dynamic structural evolution of supported palladium–ceria core–shell cataly...
- The exceptional activity for methane combustion of modular palladium-ceria core-shell subunits on silicon-functionalized alumina that was recently reported has created renewed interest in the potentia...