- 2015-08-31 Long-lived photoinduced polaron formation in conjugated polyelectrolyte-fulle...
- The efficiency of biological photosynthesis results from the exquisite organization of photoactive elements that promote rapid movement of charge carriers out of a critical recombination range. If syn...
- 2015-08-31 Reversible adapting layer produces robust single-crystal electrocatalyst for ...
- Electrochemically converting water into oxygen/hydrogen gas is ideal for high-density renewable energy storage in which robust electrocatalysts for efficient oxygen evolution play crucial roles. To da...
- 2015-08-28 Substitutional doping in nanocrystal superlattices
- Doping is a process in which atomic impurities are intentionally added to a host material to modify its properties. It has had a revolutionary impact in altering or introducing electronic, magnetic, l...
- 2015-08-28 Accommodating lithium into 3D current collectors with a submicron skeleton to...
- Lithium metal is one of the most attractive anode materials for electrochemical energy storage. However, the growth of Li dendrites during electrochemical deposition, which leads to a low Coulombic ef...
- 2015-08-28 Efficiently photo-charging lithium-ion battery by perovskite solar cell
- Electric vehicles using lithium-ion battery pack(s) for propulsion have recently attracted a great deal of interest. The large-scale practical application of battery electric vehicles may not be reali...
- 2015-08-28 Wet-chemical synthesis and applications of non-layer structured two-dimension...
- Non-layer structured nanomaterials with single- or few-layer thickness have two-dimensional sheet-like structures and possess intriguing properties. Recent years have seen major advances in developmen...
- 2015-08-26 Low surface recombination velocity in solution-grown CH3NH3PbBr3 perovskite s...
- Organic-inorganic hybrid perovskites are attracting intense research effort due to their impressive performance in solar cells. While the carrier transport parameters such as mobility and bulk carrier...
- 2015-08-26 Status and prospects for ternary organic photovoltaics
- In the past few years, ternary organic solar cells (OSCs) featuring multiple donor or acceptor materials in the active layer have emerged as a promising structure to simultaneously improve all solar c...
- 2015-08-26 Macroscopic and direct light propulsion of bulk graphene material
- It has been a great challenge to achieve the direct light manipulation of matter on a bulk scale. In this work the direct light propulsion of matter is observed on a macroscopic scale using a bulk gra...
- 2015-08-24 Nature of Rutile Nuclei in Anatase-to-Rutile Phase Transition
- The solid phase transition of TiO2, in particular anatase to rutile, has been extensively studied in the past 30 years. To seek for the nucleation site at the beginning of phase transition is highly c...
- 2015-08-24 Ultrathin black phosphorus nanosheets for efficient singlet oxygen generation
- Benefiting from its strong oxidizing properties, the singlet oxygen has garnered serious attentions in physical, chemical, as well as biological studies. However, the photosensitizers for the generati...
- 2015-08-24 Local atomic structure modulations activate metal oxide as electrocatalyst fo...
- Modifications of local structure at atomic level could precisely and effectively tune the capacity of materials, enabling enhancement in the catalytic activity. Here we modulate the local atomic struc...
- 2015-08-24 Catalysis on singly dispersed bimetallic sites
- A catalytic site typically consists of one or more atoms of a catalyst surface that arrange into a configuration offering a specific electronic structure for adsorbing or dissociating reactant molecul...
- 2015-08-24 Quantitative Detection of Photothermal and Photoelectrocatalytic Effects Indu...
- The surface plasmon resonance (SPR) induced photothermal and photoelectrocatalysis effects are crucial for catalytic reactions in many areas. However, it is still difficult to distinguish these two ef...
- 2015-08-24 Covalent organic frameworks comprising cobalt porphyrins for catalytic CO2 re...
- Conversion of carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide and other value-added carbon products is an important challenge for clean energy research. Here, we report modular optimization of covalent organic fram...
- 2015-08-18 Improved performance and stability of perovskite solar cells by crystal cross...
- In the past few years, organic–inorganic halide perovskites have rapidly emerged as promising materials for photovoltaic applications, but simultaneously achieving high performance and long-term stab...
- 2015-08-17 Nanomaterials in transistors: From high-performance to thin-film applications
- For more than 50 years, silicon transistors have been continuously shrunk to meet the projections of Moore’s law but are now reaching fundamental limits on speed and power use. With these limits at h...
- 2015-08-17 Flow-enhanced solution printing of all-polymer solar cells
- Morphology control of solution coated solar cell materials presents a key challenge limiting their device performance and commercial viability. Here we present a new concept for controlling phase sepa...
- 2015-08-17 Visualizing nanoscale 3D compositional fluctuation of lithium in advanced lit...
- The distribution of cations in Li-ion battery cathodes as a function of cycling is a pivotal characteristic of battery performance. The transition metal cation distribution has been shown to affect ca...
- 2015-08-17 A Unique Ternary Semiconductor-(Semiconductor/Metal) Nano-Architecture for Ef...
- It has been a long-standing demand to design hetero-nanostructures for charge-flow steering in semiconductor systems. Multi-component nanocrystals exhibit multifunctional properties or synergistic per...