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Yuliang Zhang
Yuliang Zhang
Name:   Yuliang Zhang
Year of Birth: 1979
Address: State Key Laboratory of Catalysis, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Dalian, China 116023
Tel: +86 411 8437 9835
E-mail: yuliangzhang@dicp.ac.cn
Research group:  


  • 2013.09 — present, iChEM fellow, State Key Laboratory of Catalysis, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Dalian, China 116023
  • 2009.08 —2013.04, Ph. D, in Physics, School of Mathematics and Physics, University of Queensland (UQ), St Lucia, QLD, Australia, 4072
  • 2006.09 — 2009.07, MSc, in Optics, Centre for Laser Engineering and Research, Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics (AIOFM), Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), Hefei, China 230031
  • 1998.09—2002.06, B. Eng. Internal Combustion Engine, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China 430074


  • Perovskite-organic hybrid solar cells
  • Time resolved spectroscopy
  • Tandem device fabrication, optimization and performance characterization


  • UQ Research Scholarship and UQ International Research Tuition Award, 2009.08-2013.02
  • Polymer Chemistry Poster Prize, in 2012
  • Second Prize of Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, CAS, in 2007
  • Excellent student of school of Energy and Power Engineering, in 2000


  1. Y. Zhang, A.K. Pandey, K. Tandy, G. Dutta, P.L. Burn, P. Meredith, E.B. Namdas, S. Patil, Channel II photocurrent quantification in narrow optical gap polymer-fullerene solar cells with complimentary acceptor absorption, Applied Physics Letters, 102 (2013) 223302.
  2. Y. Zhang, A.K. Pandey, C. Tao, Y. Fang, H. Jin, P.L. Burn, P. Meredith, Spectral Response Tuning using an Optical Spacer in Broad-band Organic Solar Cells, Applied Physics Letters, 102 (2013) 013302.
  3. Ardalan Armin, Yuliang Zhang, Paul L. Burn, Paul Meredith and Almantas Pivrikas, Measuring internal quantum efficiency to demonstrate hot exciton dissociation, Nature Materials, 12 (2013) 593.
  4. Kwan H. Lee, Yuliang Zhang, Paul L. Burn*, Ian R. Gentle*, Michael James, Andrew Nelson, and Paul Meredith, Correlation of diffusion and performance in sequentially processed P3HT/PCBM heterojunction films by time-resolved neutron reflectometry, Journal of Material Chemistry C, 1 (2013) 2593-2598.
  5. H. Jin, C. Tao, M. Velusamy, M. Aljada, Y.L. Zhang, M. Hambsch, P.L. Burn, P. Meredith, Efficient, Large Area ITO-and-PEDOT-free Organic Solar Cell Sub-modules, Advanced Materials, 24 (2012) 2572-2577.
  6. K. Tandy, G.K. Dutta, Y. Zhang, N. Venkatramaiah, M. Aljada, P.L. Burn, P. Meredith, E.B. Namdas, S. Patil, A new diketopyrrolopyrrole-based co-polymer for ambipolar field-effect transistors and solar cells, Organic Electronics, 13 (2012) 1981-1988.
发布日期:2020/06/22 发布者: 点击数:打印