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Chenxu Wu
Chenxu Wu
Name:   Chenxu Wu
Address: Physics Department, Xiamen University
Tel: 0592-2182600
Fax: 0592-2189426
E-mail: cxwu@xmu.edu.cn
Research group: Http://biophys.xmu.edu.cn



  • Sept.1983—Aug. 1988 Bachelor of Science, Department of Mechanics, University of Science and Technology of China
  • Sept. 1988—July 1991 Master of Science, Xiamen University
  • Oct. 1994---Sept. 1995 Japanese Training Course, Northeast Normal University, China
  • Oct. 1995—Mar. 1996 Research Student, Department of Physical Electronics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
  • April 1996—Sept. 1998 Ph.D., Department of Applied Electronics, Tokyo Institute of Technology


  • Aug. 1991—Sept. 1994 Teacher Assistant, Department of Physic, Xiamen University
  • Oct. 1998—Mar. 2000 Research Associate (Ass. Prof.), Department of Physical Electronics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
  • April 2000—Mar. 2001 Research Associate (Ass. Prof.), Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University, Japan
  • Mar. 2001—Present Professor and Chair Professor, Department of Physics, Xiamen University


Soft condensed matter physics


  • 1998 Lakusuikai Award, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
  • 1998 Excellent Research Award, Promotion Society of Science and Engineering, Japan
  • 1999 Doctorate Thesis Award, Tejima Industry and Education Foundation, Japan
  • 2002 National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars(Prime Minister Research Fund), P. R. China


  • Science Steering Committee member (2007-2010), Institute of Complex Adaptive Matter, University of California at Santa Babara, USA
  • Organizing Committee member, China Physical Society (CPS) Fall Meeting 2006-present
  • Softmatter Section Organizing Chair, CPS Fall Meeting 2005-present
  • Editorial board member, Biophysical Review Letters, World Scientific
  • Editorial board member, Frontier of Physics, Springer Verlag
  • Editorial board member, Advances of Physics (Chinese)
  • NSFC Review Board Member, Mathematics and Physics Department, 2010-present


Books and Book Articles

  1. Mitsumasa Iwamoto and Chen-Xu Wu, The physical properties of organic monolayers, World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd, Singapore (2001).
  2. 2. Mitsumasa Iwamoto and Chen-Xu Wu, Molecular motion and dielectric behavior in monolayers, Encyclopedia of Surface and Colloid Science, ed. Arthur Hubbard, Marcel Dekker, Inc. (2002).
  3. 3.Chen-Xu Wu and Mitsumasa Iwamoto, Dielectric behaviors for monolayers -a correspondence between properties and structural symmetry, Fundamental Study and Its Application of Intelligent Nano and Mesoscopic Structured Materials by Field Control, ed. S. Chonan, J. Tani, T. Watanabe, and Y. Yamazaki.
  4. 4. Chen-Xu Wu, Xiao-Jing Huang, Su-Zen He, and Shi-Gang Sun, Local field distribution and the configuration of CO molecules adsorbed on a nanostructured metal surface, Progess in Surface and Interface Research, ed. Hassan Bakrim, Transworld Research Network (2006).

Journal Papers

  1. Konstantin V. Klenin, Holger Merlitz, Joerg Langowski, and Chen-Xu Wu, Facilitated diffusion of DNA-binding proteins, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 018104 (2006).
  2. Holger Merlitz, Konstantin V. Klenin, Chen-Xu Wu, and Joerg Langowski, Facilitated diffusion of DNA-binding proteins: Simulation of large systems, J. Chem. Phys. 125, 014906 (2006).
  3. Zhi-Yong Huang and Chen-Xu Wu, Phase separation of a binary two-dimensional core-softened fluid, J. Chem. Phys. 124, 234506 (2006).
  4. Holger Merlitz, Konstantin V. Klenin, Chen-Xu Wu, and Joerg Langowski, Facilitated diffusion of DNA-binding proteins: Simulation of large systems, J. Chem. Phys. 125, 014906 (2006).
  5. Gui-Li He, Holger Merlitz, Jens-Uwe Sommer and Chen-Xu Wu, Static and dynamic properties of polymer brushes at moderate and high grafting densities: A molecular dynamics study, Macromolecules 40, 6721 (2007)
  6. Gui-Li He, Holger Merlitz, Jens-Uwe Sommer and Chen-Xu Wu, Polymer brushes near the crystallization density, Eur. J. Phys. E 24, 325 (2007)
  7. Holger Merlitz, Gui-Li He, Jens-Uwe Sommer and Chen-Xu Wu, Reversibly Switchable Polymer Brushes with Hydrophobic/Hydrophilic Behavior: A Langevin Dynamics Study, Macromolecules 42, 445 (2009).
  8. Holger Merlitz, Gui-Li He, Chen-Xu Wu and Jens-Uwe Sommer, Nanoscale brushes: How to build a smart surface coating, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 115702 (2009).
  9. Gui-Li He, Holger Merlitz, Jens-Uwe Sommer and Chen-Xu Wu, Microphase Separation of Mixed Binary Polymer Brushes at Different Temperatures, Macromolecules 42,7194-7202(2009).
  10. Su-zhen He, Holger Merlitz, Long Chen, Jens-Uwe Sommer, and Chen-Xu Wu, Polyelectrolyte Brushes: MD Simulation and SCF Theory, Macromolecules 43 (18), 7845-7851 (2010).
  11. Long Chen, Holger Merlitz, Suzhen He, Jens-Uwe Sommer, and Chenxu Wu, Polyelectrolyte Brushes: Debye Approximation and Mean-Field Theory, Macromolecules, 44, 3109-3166(2011).
  12. Suzhen He, Holger Merlitz, Long Chen, Jens-Uwe Sommer, and Chenxu Wu, Polyelectrolyte Brushes: MD Simulation and SCF Theory(addition), Macromolecules, 44 (7), 2393 (2011)
  13. Zeng Ming-Ying, Cui Wei, Tan Xiao-Qin and Wu Chen-Xu, The phase transition of nematic liquid crystal cells bounded by surfactant-laden interfaces, Chin. Phys. Lett. 28, 066103 (2011).
  14. Xiao-Qin Tan, Ming-Ying Zeng, Wei Cui, and Chen-Xu Wu, Dynamics of a magnetic nanowire suspended in TN cell under magnetic field, Chem. Phys. Lett. 513, 154-159 (2011).
  15. Holger Merlitz, Chen-Xu Wu and Jens-Uwe Sommer, Starlike Polymer Brushes, Macromolecules 44, 7043 (2011).
  16. Xuezheng Cao, Holger Merlitz and Chen-Xu Wu, Polymer-induced entropic depletion potential, Phys, Rev. E 84, 041802 (2011).
  17. Min Guo, Chanfei Su, Gao Qing Lu, Xianfang Zhu, Chenxu Wu, Lianzhou Wang, In-situ synthesis of gold nanoparticles in nitrogen-doped titania nanosheets via layer-by-layer assembly method, Thin Solid Film, 520 (24), 7066-7070 (2012).
发布日期:2020/06/22 发布者: 点击数:打印