- 2016-10-11 Nanoelectronic Heterodyne Sensor: A New Electronic Sensing Paradigm
- Nanoelectronic devices based on nanomaterials such as nanowires, carbon nanotubes, graphene, and other 2D nanomaterials offer extremely large surface-to-volume ratios, high carrier mobility, low power...
- 2016-10-11 Surface Chemistry of Semiconducting Quantum Dots: Theoretical Perspectives
- Colloidal quantum dots (QDs) are near-ideal nanomaterials for energy conversion and lighting technologies. However, their photophysics exhibits supreme sensitivity to surface passivation and defects, ...
- 2016-10-09 Synthesis of freestanding single-crystal perovskite films and heterostructure...
- The ability to create and manipulate materials in two-dimensional (2D) form has repeatedly had transformative impact on science and technology. In parallel with the exfoliation and stacking of intrins...
- 2016-10-09 Engineering surface atomic structure of single-crystal cobalt (II) oxide nano...
- Engineering the surface structure at the atomic level can be used to precisely and effectively manipulate the reactivity and durability of catalysts. Here we report tuning of the atomic structure of o...
- 2016-10-09 Screening in crystalline liquids protects energetic carriers in hybrid perovs...
- Hybrid lead halide perovskites exhibit carrier properties that resemble those of pristine nonpolar semiconductors despite static and dynamic disorder, but how carriers are protected from efficient sca...
- 2016-10-09 Direct observation of the layer-dependent electronic structure in phosphorene
- Phosphorene, a single atomic layer of black phosphorus, has recently emerged as a new two-dimensional (2D) material that holds promise for electronic and photonic technologies. Here we experimentally ...
- 2016-10-09 Homochiral polymerization-driven selective growth of graphene nanoribbons
- The surface-assisted bottom-up fabrication of graphene nanoribbons (GNRs), which consists of the radical polymerization of precursors followed by dehydrogenation, has attracted attention because of th...
- 2016-10-09 Generation of subnanometric platinum with high stability during transformatio...
- Single metal atoms and metal clusters have attracted much attention thanks to their advantageous capabilities as heterogeneous catalysts. However, the generation of stable single atoms and clusters on...
- 2016-10-09 Perovskite light-emitting diodes based on solution-processed self-organized m...
- Organometal halide perovskites can be processed from solutions at low temperatures to form crystalline direct-bandgap semiconductors with promising optoelectronic properties. However, the efficiency o...
- 2016-10-09 Single Molecule Nanoelectrochemistry in Electrical Junctions
- It is now possible to reliably measure single molecule conductance in a wide variety of environments including organic liquids, ultrahigh vacuum, water, ionic liquids, and electrolytes. The most commo...
- 2016-10-09 Computational Exploration of the Li-Electrode|Electrolyte Interface in the Pr...
- A nanometer thick passivation layer will spontaneously form on Li-metal in battery applications due to electrolyte reduction reactions. This passivation layer in rechargeable batteries must have “sel...
- 2016-10-09 Redox Active Polymers as Soluble Nanomaterials for Energy Storage
- It is an exciting time for exploring the synergism between the chemical and dimensional properties of redox nanomaterials for addressing the manifold performance demands faced by energy storage techno...
- 2016-10-09 Sustainably powering wearable electronics solely by biomechanical energy
- Harvesting biomechanical energy is an important route for providing electricity to sustainably drive wearable electronics, which currently still use batteries and therefore need to be charged or repla...
- 2016-10-09 Polymer-templated nucleation and crystal growth of perovskite films for solar...
- The past several years have witnessed the rapid emergence of a class of solar cells based on mixed organic–inorganic halide perovskites. Today’s state-of-the-art perovskite solar cells (PSCs) employ...
- 2016-10-09 Photocatalytic hydrogen production using twinned nanocrystals and an unanchor...
- Facilitating charge separation as well as surface redox reactions is considered to be central to improving semiconductor-catalysed solar hydrogen generation. To that end, photocatalysts comprising int...
- 2016-10-09 Cobalt carbide nanoprisms for direct production of lower olefins from syngas
- Lower olefins—generally referring to ethylene, propylene and butylene—are basic carbon-based building blocks that are widely used in the chemical industry, and are traditionally produced through the...
- 2016-10-09 Incorporation of rubidium cations into perovskite solar cells improves photov...
- All of the cations currently used in perovskite solar cells (PSCs) abide by the tolerance factor for incorporation into the lattice. We show that the small and oxidation-stable Rb+ can be embedded int...
- 2016-10-09 Improving efficiency and stability of perovskite solar cells with photocurabl...
- Organometal halide perovskite solar cells have demonstrated high conversion efficiency but poor long-term stability against ultraviolet irradiation and water. We show that rapid light-induced free-rad...
- 2016-10-09 Quantum dot–induced phase stabilization of α-CsPbI3 perovskite for high-eff...
- We show nanoscale phase stabilization of CsPbI3 quantum dots (QDs) to low temperatures that can be used as the active component of efficient optoelectronic devices. CsPbI3 is an all-inorganic analog t...
- 2016-10-09 1D nanocrystals with precisely controlled dimensions, compositions, and archi...
- The ability to synthesize a diverse spectrum of one-dimensional (1D) nanocrystals presents an enticing prospect for exploring nanoscale size- and shape-dependent properties. Here we report a general s...