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Single Molecule Nanoelectrochemistry in Electrical Junctions

It is now possible to reliably measure single molecule conductance in a wide variety of environments including organic liquids, ultrahigh vacuum, water, ionic liquids, and electrolytes. The most commonly used methods deploy scanning probe microscopes, mechanically formed break junctions, or lithographically formed nanogap contacts. Molecules are generally captured between a pair of facing electrodes, and the junction current response is measured as a function of bias voltage. Gating electrodes can also be added so that the electrostatic potential at the molecular bridge can be independently controlled by this third noncontacting electrode. This can also be achieved in an electrolytic environment using a four-electrode bipotentiostatic configuration, which allows independent electrode potential control of the two contacting electrodes. This is commonly realized using an electrochemical STM and enables single molecule electrical characterization as a function of electrode potential and redox state of the molecular bridge. This has emerged as a powerful tool in modern interfacial electrochemistry and nanoelectrochemistry for studying charge transport across single molecules as a function of electrode potential and the electrolytic environments. Such measurements are possible in electrolytes ranging from aqueous buffers to nonaqueous ionic liquids.

In this Account, we illustrate a number of examples of single molecule electrical measurements under electrode potential control use a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) and demonstrate how these can help in the understanding of charge transport in single molecule junctions. Examples showing charge transport following phase coherent tunneling to incoherent charge hopping across redox active molecular bridges are shown. In the case of bipyridinium (or viologen) molecular wires, it is shown how electrochemical reduction leads to an increase of the single molecule conductance, which is controlled by the liquid electrochemical gating. This has been referred to as to a “single molecule transistor configuration” with the gate voltage being provided by the controllable potential achieved through the electrochemical double layer. It is shown how the electrolyte medium can control such gating, with ionic liquids providing more efficient gate coupling than aqueous electrolytes. Control of the conductance of viologen molecular wires can also be achieved by encapsulating the viologen redox moiety within a molecular cage, thereby controlling its immediate environment. Molecular conductance can also be gated through multiple redox states. This has been shown for the redox moiety pyrrolo-tetrathiafulvalene, which undergoes single molecule electrochemical transistor gating through three redox states in molecular junctions. Charge transport through this junction follows a two-step hopping mechanism, demonstrating the role of the redox center in electron transfer across the molecular bridge. Recent electrolyte gating studies of rigid, conjugated redox-active metal complexes with tailored terpyridine coordinating ligands and anchors are also presented. These aforementioned studies have all been performed with gold electrode contacts.

The Account concludes with recent data showing that it is now possible to study single molecule electrochemical gating with nickel electrodes. This opens up new perspectives for studying interfacial charge transfer with a wide variety of other electrode materials including semiconductor electrodes and also points toward future opportunities for coupling molecular spintronics and nanoelectrochemistry.


发布日期:2016/10/09 发布者: 点击数: