- 2016-07-22 Self-assembly of graphene ribbons by spontaneous self-tearing and peeling fro...
- Graphene and related two-dimensional materials have shown unusual and exceptional mechanical properties, with similarities to origami-like paper folding and kirigami-like cutting demonstrated. For pap...
- 2016-07-22 Single-layer MoS2 nanopores as nanopower generators
- Making use of the osmotic pressure difference between fresh water and seawater is an attractive, renewable and clean way to generate power and is known as ‘blue energy’. Another electrokinetic pheno...
- 2016-07-22 Hierarchical MoS2 tubular structures internally wired by carbon nanotubes as ...
- Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2), a typical two-dimensional material, is a promising anode material for lithium-ion batteries because it has three times the theoretical capacity of graphite. The main chall...
- 2016-07-22 Molecular-scale dynamics of light-induced spin cross-over in a two-dimensiona...
- Spin cross-over molecules show the unique ability to switch between two spin states when submitted to external stimuli such as temperature, light or voltage. If controlled at the molecular scale, such...
- 2016-07-22 Collapsed polymer-directed synthesis of multicomponent coaxial-like nanostruc...
- Multicomponent colloidal nanostructures (MCNs) exhibit intriguing topologically dependent chemical and physical properties. However, there remain significant challenges in the synthesis of MCNs with h...
- 2016-07-22 Light Absorption and Energy Transfer in the Antenna Complexes of Photosynthet...
- The process of photosynthesis is initiated by the capture of sunlight by a network of light-absorbing molecules (chromophores), which are also responsible for the subsequent funneling of the excitatio...
- 2016-07-22 Photocatalytic oxidation of methane over silver decorated zinc oxide nanocata...
- The search for active catalysts that efficiently oxidize methane under ambient conditions remains a challenging task for both C1 utilization and atmospheric cleansing. Here, we show that when the part...
- 2016-07-15 High-efficiency two-dimensional Ruddlesden–Popper perovskite solar cells
- Three-dimensional organic–inorganic perovskites have emerged as one of the most promising thin-film solar cell materials owing to their remarkable photophysical properties, which have led to power co...
- 2016-07-15 Atomic scale observation of oxygen delivery during silver–oxygen nanoparticl...
- To probe the nature of metal-catalysed processes and to design better metal-based catalysts, atomic scale understanding of catalytic processes is highly desirable. Here we use aberration-corrected env...
- 2016-07-15 Direct TEM observations of growth mechanisms of two-dimensional MoS2 flakes
- A microscopic understanding of the growth mechanism of two-dimensional materials is of particular importance for controllable synthesis of functional nanostructures. Because of the lack of direct and ...
- 2016-07-15 A Highly Efficient Metal-Free Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalyst Assembled from...
- A novel carbon-nanotube–graphene hybrid nanostructure is developed using an aerosol-assisted assembly approach. After doping with nitrogen and phosphorus, the prepared hybrid nanomaterials exhibit ex...
- 2016-07-14 Energy Transfer with Semiconductor Quantum Dot Bioconjugates: A Versatile Pla...
- Luminescent semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are one of the more popular nanomaterials currently utilized within biological applications. However, what is not widely appreciated is their growing role ...
- 2016-07-14 Synthesis of Semiconductor Nanocrystals, Focusing on Nontoxic and Earth-Abund...
- We review the synthesis of semiconductor nanocrystals/colloidal quantum dots in organic solvents with special emphasis on earth-abundant and toxic heavy metal free compounds. Following the Introductio...
- 2016-07-12 Automated circuit fabrication and direct characterization of carbon nanotube ...
- Since their discovery, carbon nanotubes have fascinated many researchers due to their unprecedented properties. However, a major drawback in utilizing carbon nanotubes for practical applications is th...
- 2016-07-11 Rational design of carbon nitride photocatalysts by identification of cyanami...
- The heptazine-based polymer melon (also known as graphitic carbon nitride, g-C3N4) is a promising photocatalyst for hydrogen evolution. Nonetheless, attempts to improve its inherently low activity are...
- 2016-07-08 Thermally stable single-atom platinum-on-ceria catalysts via atom trapping
- Hot single-atom catalystsFor heterogeneous catalysts made from precious metal nanoparticles adsorbed on metal oxides, high temperatures are the enemy. The metal atoms become mobile and the small parti...
- 2016-07-08 Harvesting low-grade heat energy using thermo-osmotic vapour transport throug...
- Low-grade heat from sources below 100 ℃ offers a vast quantity of energy. The ability to extract this energy, however, is limited with existing technologies as they are not well-suited to harvest en...
- 2016-07-07 Polyvinylpyrrolidone-induced anisotropic growth of gold nanoprisms in plasmon...
- After more than a decade, it is still unknown whether the plasmon-mediated growth of silver nanostructures can be extended to the synthesis of other noble metals, as the molecular mechanisms governing...
- 2016-07-07 Highly selective plasma-activated copper catalysts for carbon dioxide reducti...
- There is an urgent need to develop technologies that use renewable energy to convert waste products such as carbon dioxide into hydrocarbon fuels. Carbon dioxide can be electrochemically reduced to hy...
- 2016-07-07 Mechanistic insights into chemical and photochemical transformations of bismu...
- Artificial photosynthesis relies on the availability of semiconductors that are chemically stable and can efficiently capture solar energy. Although metal oxide semiconductors have been investigated f...