- 2016-07-07 Selective catalytic two-step process for ethylene glycol from carbon monoxide
- Upgrading C1 chemicals (for example, CO, CO/H2, MeOH and CO2) with C–C bond formation is essential for the synthesis of bulk chemicals. In general, these industrially important processes (for example...
- 2016-07-04 Bimetallic Nanocrystals: Syntheses, Properties, and Applications
- Achieving mastery over the synthesis of metal nanocrystals has emerged as one of the foremost scientific endeavors in recent years. This intense interest stems from the fact that the composition, size...
- 2016-07-04 Gas–solid interfacial modification of oxygen activity in layered oxide catho...
- Lattice oxygen can play an intriguing role in electrochemical processes, not only maintaining structural stability, but also influencing electron and ion transport properties in high-capacity oxide ca...
- 2016-07-04 Metal-induced rapid transformation of diamond into single and multilayer grap...
- The degradation of intrinsic properties of graphene during the transfer process constitutes a major challenge in graphene device fabrication, stimulating the need for direct growth of graphene on diel...
- 2016-07-01 Array of nanosheets render ultrafast and high-capacity Na-ion storage by tuna...
- Sodium-ion batteries are a potentially low-cost and safe alternative to the prevailing lithium-ion battery technology. However, it is a great challenge to achieve fast charging and high power density ...
- 2016-07-01 Lanthanum-catalysed synthesis of microporous 3D graphene-like carbons in a ze...
- Three-dimensional graphene architectures with periodic nanopores—reminiscent of zeolite frameworks—are of topical interest because of the possibility of combining the characteristics of graphene wit...
- 2016-06-30 Magnetic assembly of transparent and conducting graphene-based functional com...
- Innovative methods producing transparent and flexible electrodes are highly sought in modern optoelectronic applications to replace metal oxides, but available solutions suffer from drawbacks such as ...
- 2016-06-30 Surface engineering of hierarchical platinum-cobalt nanowires for efficient e...
- Despite intense research in past decades, the lack of high-performance catalysts for fuel cell reactions remains a challenge in realizing fuel cell technologies for transportation applications. Here w...
- 2016-06-30 Superconcentrated electrolytes for a high-voltage lithium-ion battery
- Finding a viable electrolyte for next-generation 5 V-class lithium-ion batteries is of primary importance. A long-standing obstacle has been metal-ion dissolution at high voltages. The LiPF6 salt in ...
- 2016-06-30 Coherent commensurate electronic states at the interface between misoriented ...
- Graphene and layered materials in general exhibit rich physics and application potential owing to their exceptional electronic properties, which arise from the intricate π-orbital coupling and the sy...
- 2016-06-30 Tunable phonon-cavity coupling in graphene membranes
- A major achievement of the past decade has been the realization of macroscopic quantum systems by exploiting the interactions between optical cavities and mechanical resonators. In these systems, phon...
- 2016-06-30 Dynamical strong coupling and parametric amplification of mechanical modes of...
- Mechanical resonators are ubiquitous in modern information technology. With the possibility of coupling them to electromagnetic and plasmonic modes, they hold promise as the key building blocks in fut...
- 2016-06-29 Metal–organic framework-based separator for lithium–sulfur batteries
- Lithium–sulfur batteries are a promising energy-storage technology due to their relatively low cost and high theoretical energy density. However, one of their major technical problems is the shuttlin...
- 2016-06-29 A vacuum flash–assisted solution process for high-efficiency large-area pero...
- While metal halide perovskite solar cells (PSCs) presently attract enormous research interest because of their high solar to electric power conversion efficiency (PCE) and low fabrication costs, their...
- 2016-06-29 Facet-dependent trapping and dynamics of excess electrons at anatase TiO2 sur...
- Excess electrons from intrinsic defects, dopants and photoexcitation play a key role in many of the properties of TiO2. Understanding their behaviour is important for improving the performance of TiO2...
- 2016-06-29 Colloidal quantum dot ligand engineering for high performance solar cells
- Colloidal quantum dots (CQDs) are fast-improving materials for next-generation solution-processed optoelectronic devices such as solar cells, photocatalysis, light emitting diodes, and photodetectors....
- 2016-06-29 Efficient solar-driven water splitting by nanocone BiVO4-perovskite tandem ce...
- Bismuth vanadate (BiVO4) has been widely regarded as a promising photoanode material for photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting because of its low cost, its high stability against photocorrosion, ...
- 2016-06-29 Slower carriers limit charge generation in organic semiconductor light-harves...
- Blends of electron-donating and -accepting organic semiconductors are widely used as photoactive materials in next-generation solar cells and photodetectors. The yield of free charges in these systems...
- 2016-06-29 Unassisted photoelectrochemical water splitting exceeding 7% solar-to-hydroge...
- Various tandem cell configurations have been reported for highly efficient and spontaneous hydrogen production from photoelectrochemical solar water splitting. However, there is a contradiction betwee...
- 2016-06-29 Discovery of earth-abundant nitride semiconductors by computational screening...
- Nitride semiconductors are attractive because they can be environmentally benign, comprised of abundant elements and possess favourable electronic properties. However, those currently commercialized a...