- 2017-10-10 High-Purity Semiconducting Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes: A Key Enabling Mat...
- Semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes (sc-SWCNTs) are emerging as a promising material for high-performance, high-density devices as well as low-cost, large-area macroelectronics produced via ...
- 2017-10-07 Ultrafast carrier thermalization in lead iodide perovskite probed with two-di...
- In band-like semiconductors, charge carriers form a thermal energy distribution rapidly after optical excitation. In hybrid perovskites, the cooling of such thermal carrier distributions occurs on tim...
- 2017-10-07 Probing the crystallographic orientation of two-dimensional atomic crystals w...
- Probing the crystallographic orientation of two-dimensional (2D) materials is essential to understand and engineer their properties. However, the nondestructive identification of the lattice orientati...
- 2017-10-07 High-quality monolayer superconductor NbSe2 grown by chemical vapour depositi...
- The discovery of monolayer superconductors bears consequences for both fundamental physics and device applications. Currently, the growth of superconducting monolayers can only occur under ultrahigh v...
- 2017-10-07 Transport and excitations in a negative-U quantum dot at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 in...
- In a solid-state host, attractive electron–electron interactions can lead to the formation of local electron pairs which play an important role in the understanding of prominent phenomena such as hig...
- 2017-10-07 Ultrathin metal–organic framework membrane production by gel–vapour deposit...
- Ultrathin, molecular sieving membranes composed of microporous materials offer great potential to realize high permeances and selectivities in separation applications, but strategies for their product...
- 2017-10-07 Direct imaging of delayed magneto-dynamic modes induced by surface acoustic w...
- The magnetoelastic effect—the change of magnetic properties caused by the elastic deformation of a magnetic material—has been proposed as an alternative approach to magnetic fields for the low-power...
- 2017-10-07 Rechargeable aqueous zinc-manganese dioxide batteries with high energy and po...
- Although alkaline zinc-manganese dioxide batteries have dominated the primary battery applications, it is challenging to make them rechargeable. Here we report a high-performance rechargeable zinc-man...
- 2017-10-07 Three-dimensional imaging of vortex structure in a ferroelectric nanoparticle...
- Topological defects of spontaneous polarization are extensively studied as templates for unique physical phenomena and in the design of reconfigurable electronic devices. Experimental investigations o...
- 2017-10-07 Dirac point induced ultralow-threshold laser and giant optoelectronic quantum...
- The occurrence of zero effective mass of electrons at the vicinity of the Dirac point is expected to create new paradigms for scientific research and technological applications, but the related discov...
- 2017-10-07 Two-magnon scattering in the 5d all-in-all-out pyrochlore magnet Cd2Os2O7
- 5d pyrochlore oxides with all-in-all-out magnetic order are prime candidates for realizing strongly correlated, topological phases of matter. Despite significant effort, a full understanding of all-in...
- 2017-10-07 The most active Cu facet for low-temperature water gas shift reaction
- Identification of the active site is important in developing rational design strategies for solid catalysts but is seriously blocked by their structural complexity. Here, we use uniform Cu nanocrystal...
- 2017-10-07 Pyrite-Type Nanomaterials for Advanced Electrocatalysis
- Since being proposed by John Bockris in 1970, hydrogen economy has emerged as a very promising alternative to the current hydrocarbon economy. Access to reliable and affordable hydrogen economy, howev...
- 2017-10-07 Renewable Formate from C–H Bond Formation with CO2: Using Iron Carbonyl Clus...
- As a society, we are heavily dependent on nonrenewable petroleum-derived fuels and chemical feedstocks. Rapid depletion of these resources and the increasingly evident negative effects of excess atmos...
- 2017-10-07 Black phosphorus ink formulation for inkjet printing of optoelectronics and p...
- Black phosphorus is a two-dimensional material of great interest, in part because of its high carrier mobility and thickness dependent direct bandgap. However, its instability under ambient conditions...
- 2017-10-07 Electronic Muscles and Skins: A Review of Soft Sensors and Actuators
- This article reviews several classes of compliant materials that can be utilized to fabricate electronic muscles and skins. Different classes of materials range from compliant conductors, semiconducto...
- 2017-10-07 Photoelectrochemical oxidation of organic substrates in organic media
- There is a global effort to convert sunlight into fuels by photoelectrochemically splitting water to form hydrogen fuels, but the dioxygen byproduct bears little economic value. This raises the import...
- 2017-10-07 Bias induced up to 100% spin-injection and detection polarizations in ferroma...
- We study spin transport in a fully hBN encapsulated monolayer-graphene van der Waals heterostructure at room temperature. A top-layer of bilayer-hBN is used as a tunnel barrier for spin-injection and ...
- 2017-08-15 Oxidative coupling of sp 2 and sp 3 carbon–hydrogen bonds to construct dihyd...
- Metal-catalyzed cross-couplings provide powerful, concise, and accurate methods to construct carbon–carbon bonds from organohalides and organometallic reagents. Recent developments extended cross-cou...
- 2017-08-15 Gap-state engineering of visible-light-active ferroelectrics for photovoltaic...
- Photoferroelectrics offer unique opportunities to explore light energy conversion based on their polarization-driven carrier separation and above-bandgap voltages. The problem associated with the wide...