- 2017-02-10 Quasi–solid state rechargeable Na-CO2 batteries with reduced graphene oxide ...
- Na-CO2 batteries using earth-abundant Na and greenhouse gas CO2 are promising tools for mobile and stationary energy storage, but they still pose safety risks from leakage of liquid electrolyte and in...
- 2017-02-10 Water-evaporation-induced electricity with nanostructured carbon materials
- Water evaporation is a ubiquitous natural process that harvests thermal energy from the ambient environment. It has previously been utilized in a number of applications including the synthesis of nano...
- 2017-02-06 Design principles for shift current photovoltaics
- While the basic principles of conventional solar cells are well understood, little attention has gone towards maximizing the efficiency of photovoltaic devices based on shift currents. By analysing ef...
- 2017-02-06 Edge reactivity and water-assisted dissociation on cobalt oxide nanoislands
- Transition metal oxides show great promise as Earth-abundant catalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction in electrochemical water splitting. However, progress in the development of highly active oxide...
- 2017-02-06 Single-step ambient-air synthesis of graphene from renewable precursors as el...
- Thermal chemical vapour deposition techniques for graphene fabrication, while promising, are thus far limited by resource-consuming and energy-intensive principles. In particular, purified gases and e...
- 2017-02-06 A general patterning approach by manipulating the evolution of two-dimensiona...
- The evolution of gas-liquid foams has been an attractive topic for more than half a century. However, it remains a challenge to manipulate the evolution of foams, which restricts the development of po...
- 2017-02-06 Efficient perovskite light-emitting diodes featuring nanometre-sized crystall...
- Organic–inorganic hybrid perovskite materials are emerging as highly attractive semiconductors for use in optoelectronics. In addition to their use in photovoltaics, perovskites are promising for rea...
- 2017-02-06 Self-assembled dynamic perovskite composite cathodes for intermediate tempera...
- Electrode materials for intermediate temperature (500–700 ∘C) solid oxide fuel cells require electrical and mechanical stability to maintain performance during the cell lifetime. This has proven di...
- 2017-02-06 Nanoparticle-induced unusual melting and solidification behaviours of metals
- Effective control of melting and solidification behaviours of materials is significant for numerous applications. It has been a long-standing challenge to increase the melted zone (MZ) depth while shr...
- 2017-02-06 Buckled two-dimensional Xene sheets
- Silicene, germanene and stanene are part of a monoelemental class of two-dimensional (2D) crystals termed 2D-Xenes (X = Si, Ge, Sn and so on) which, together with their ligand-functionalized derivativ...
- 2017-02-06 Functional Graphene Nanomaterials Based Architectures: Biointeractions, Fabri...
- Functional graphene nanomaterials (FGNs) are fast emerging materials with extremely unique physical and chemical properties and physiological ability to interfere and/or interact with bioorganisms; as...
- 2017-02-06 p-wave triggered superconductivity in single-layer graphene on an electron-do...
- Electron pairing in the vast majority of superconductors follows the Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer theory of superconductivity, which describes the condensation of electrons into pairs with antiparallel...
- 2017-02-06 Transformation of bulk alloys to oxide nanowires
- One dimensional (1D) nanostructures offer prospects for enhancing the electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties of a broad range of functional materials and composites, but their synthesis method...
- 2017-02-06 Efficient and stable solution-processed planar perovskite solar cells via con...
- Planar perovskite solar cells made entirely via solution-processing at low temperatures (20% retained 90% (97% after dark recovery) of their initial performance after 500 hours continuous room-tempera...
- 2017-01-17 Direct visualization of hydrogen absorption dynamics in individual palladium ...
- Many energy storage materials undergo large volume changes during charging and discharging. The resulting stresses often lead to defect formation in the bulk, but less so in nanosized systems. Here, w...
- 2017-01-17 Intragranular cracking as a critical barrier for high-voltage usage of layer-...
- LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2-layered cathode is often fabricated in the form of secondary particles, consisting of densely packed primary particles. This offers advantages for high energy density and alleviati...
- 2017-01-17 Modelling heterogeneous interfaces for solar water splitting
- The generation of hydrogen from water and sunlight offers a promising approach for producing scalable and sustainable carbon-free energy. The key of a successful solar-to-fuel technology is the design...
- 2017-01-17 Holistic computational structure screening of more than 12 000 candidates for...
- We present a new type of large-scale computational screening approach for identifying promising candidate materials for solid state electrolytes for lithium ion batteries that is capable of screening ...
- 2017-01-17 Electrospun core-shell microfiber separator with thermal-triggered flame-reta...
- Although the energy densities of batteries continue to increase, safety problems (for example, fires and explosions) associated with the use of highly flammable liquid organic electrolytes remain a bi...
- 2017-01-17 Application of Ionic Liquids to Energy Storage and Conversion Materials and D...
- Ionic liquids (ILs) are liquids consisting entirely of ions and can be further defined as molten salts having melting points lower than 100 °C. One of the most important research areas for IL utilizat...