- 2016-02-14 Organohalide Perovskites for Solar Energy Conversion
- Lead-based organohalide perovskites have recently emerged as arguably the most promising of all next generation thin film solar cell technologies. Power conversion efficiencies have reached 20% in les...
- 2016-02-14 Multinary I-III-VI2 and I2-II-IV-VI4 Semiconductor Nanostructures for Photoca...
- Semiconductor nanostructures that can effectively serve as light-responsive photocatalysts have been of considerable interest over the past decade. This is because their use in light-induced photocata...
- 2016-02-14 Sub-particle reaction and photocurrent mapping to optimize catalyst-modified ...
- The splitting of water photoelectrochemically into hydrogen and oxygen represents a promising technology for converting solar energy to fuel. The main challenge is to ensure that photogenerated holes ...
- 2016-02-13 Ionic polarization-induced current-voltage hysteresis in CH3NH3PbX3 perovskit...
- CH3NH3PbX3 (MAPbX3) perovskites have attracted considerable attention as absorber materials for solar light harvesting, reaching solar to power conversion efficiencies above 20%. In spite of the rapid...
- 2016-02-13 Giant conductivity switching of LaAlO3/SrTiO3 heterointerfaces governed by su...
- Complex-oxide interfaces host a diversity of phenomena not present in traditional semiconductor heterostructures. Despite intense interest, many basic questions remain about the mechanisms that give r...
- 2016-02-13 Advanced intermediate temperature sodium-nickel chloride batteries with ultra...
- Sodium-metal halide batteries have been considered as one of the more attractive technologies for stationary electrical energy storage, however, they are not used for broader applications despite thei...
- 2016-02-13 Atomically isolated nickel species anchored on graphitized carbon for efficie...
- Hydrogen production through electrochemical process is at the heart of key renewable energy technologies including water splitting and hydrogen fuel cells. Despite tremendous efforts, exploring cheap,...
- 2016-02-13 Pure and stable metallic phase molybdenum disulfide nanosheets for hydrogen e...
- Metallic-phase MoS2 (M-MoS2) is metastable and does not exist in nature. Pure and stable M-MoS2 has not been previously prepared by chemical synthesis, to the best of our knowledge. Here we report a h...
- 2016-02-13 Anisotropic Growth of TiO2 onto Gold Nanorods for Plasmon-Enhanced Hydrogen P...
- Plasmonic metal/semiconductor heterostructures show promise for visible-light-driven photocatalysis. Gold nanorods (AuNRs) semi-coated with TiO2 are expected to be ideally structured systems for hydro...
- 2016-02-13 High-efficiency electrochemical thermal energy harvester using carbon nanotub...
- Conversion of low-grade waste heat into electricity is an important energy harvesting strategy. However, abundant heat from these low-grade thermal streams cannot be harvested readily because of the a...
- 2016-02-03 Three-dimensional porous carbon composites containing high sulfur nanoparticl...
- Sulfur is a promising cathode material for lithium–sulfur batteries because of its high theoretical capacity (1,675 mA h g-1); however, its low electrical conductivity and the instability of sulfu...
- 2016-02-01 Conversion of CO2 from Air into Methanol Using a Polyamine and a Homogeneous ...
- A highly efficient homogeneous catalyst system for the production of CH3OH from CO2 using pentaethylenehexamine and Ru-Macho-BH (1) at 125–165 °C in an ethereal solvent has been developed (initial tu...
- 2016-02-01 Growth of conformal graphene cages on micrometre-sized silicon particles as s...
- Nanostructuring has been shown to be fruitful in addressing the problems of high-capacity Si anodes. However, issues with the high cost and poor Coulombic efficiencies of nanostructured Si still need ...
- 2016-02-01 Efficient organic solar cells processed from hydrocarbon solvents
- Organic solar cells have desirable properties, including low cost of materials, high-throughput roll-to-roll production, mechanical flexibility and light weight. However, all top-performance devices a...
- 2016-02-01 Efficient silicon solar cells with dopant-free asymmetric heterocontacts
- A salient characteristic of solar cells is their ability to subject photo-generated electrons and holes to pathways of asymmetrical conductivity—‘assisting’ them towards their respective contacts. ...
- 2016-02-01 Single-Crystalline Ultrathin Nickel Nanosheets Array from In Situ Topotactic...
- Simultaneously synthesizing and structuring atomically thick or ultrathin 2D non-precious metal nanocrystal may offer a new class of materials to replace the state-of-art noble-metal electrocatalysts;...
- 2016-02-01 A transparent bending-insensitive pressure sensor
- Measuring small normal pressures is essential to accurately evaluate external stimuli in curvilinear and dynamic surfaces such as natural tissues. Usually, sensitive and spatially accurate pressure se...
- 2016-02-01 Electrical control of the valley Hall effect in bilayer MoS2 transistors
- The valley degree of freedom of electrons in solids has been proposed as a new type of information carrier, beyond the electron charge and spin. The potential of two-dimensional semiconductor transiti...
- 2016-02-01 Gate-induced superconductivity in atomically thin MoS2 crystals
- When thinned down to the atomic scale, many layered van der Waals materials exhibit an interesting evolution of their electronic properties, whose main aspects can be accounted for by changes in the s...
- 2016-02-01 Reconfigurable chiroptical nanocomposites with chirality transfer from the ma...
- Nanostructures with chiral geometries exhibit strong polarization rotation. However, achieving reversible modulation of chirality and polarization rotation in device-friendly solid-state films is diff...