The integration of porous metal-organic frameworks onto the surface of materials, for use as functional devices, is currently emerging as a promising approach for gas sensing and flexible displays. However, research focused on potential applications in electronic devices is in its infancy. Here we present a facile strategy by which interpenetrated, crystalline metal-organic framework films are deposited onto conductive metal-plate anodes via in situ temperature-controlled electrochemical assembly. The nanostructure of the surface as well as the thickness and uniformity of the film are well controlled. More importantly, the resulting films exhibit enhanced dielectric properties compared to traditional inorganic or organic gate dielectrics. This study demonstrates the successful implementation of the rational design of metal-organic framework thin films on conductive supports with high-performance dielectric properties.
Nature Communications 7, Article number: 11830 doi:10.1038/ncomms11830
Received 21 December 2015 Accepted 04 May 2016 Published 10 June 2016