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Photovoltaic materials: Present efficiencies and future challenges

Surveying the solar cell landscape

The rate of development and deployment of large-scale photovoltaic systems over recent years has been unprecedented. Because the cost of photovoltaic systems is only partly determined by the cost of the solar cells, efficiency is a key driver to reduce the cost of solar energy. There are several materials systems being explored to achieve high efficiency at low cost. Polman et al. comprehensively and systematically review the leading candidate materials, present the limitations of each system, and analyze how these limitations can be overcome and overall cell performance improved.


Recent developments in photovoltaic materials have led to continual improvements in their efficiency. We review the electrical characteristics of 16 widely studied geometries of photovoltaic materials with efficiencies of 10 to 29%. Comparison of these characteristics to the fundamental limits based on the Shockley-Queisser detailed-balance model provides a basis for identifying the key limiting factors, related to efficient light management and charge carrier collection, for these materials. Prospects for practical application and large-area fabrication are discussed for each material.

Science 15 Apr 2016:
Vol. 352, Issue 6283,
DOI: 10.1126/science.aad4424




发布日期:2016/04/15 发布者: 点击数: