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Colloidal quantum dot solids for solution-processed solar cells

Solution-processed photovoltaic technologies represent a promising way to reduce the cost and increase the efficiency of solar energy harvesting. Among these, colloidal semiconductor quantum dot photovoltaics have the advantage of a spectrally tuneable infrared bandgap, which enables use in multi-junction cells, as well as the benefit of generating and harvesting multiple charge carrier pairs per absorbed photon. Here we review recent progress in colloidal quantum dot photovoltaics, focusing on three fronts. First, we examine strategies to manage the abundant surfaces of quantum dots, strategies that have led to progress in the removal of electronic trap states. Second, we consider new device architectures that have improved device performance to certified efficiencies of 10.6%. Third, we focus on progress in solution-phase chemical processing, such as spray-coating and centrifugal casting, which has led to the demonstration of manufacturing-ready process technologies.

Photovoltaic devices generate electricity directly from solar radiation, which is abundant and freely accessible, offering the potential for renewable power on a vast scale. Worldwide photovoltaic production will exceed 40 GW in 2016 and the overall solar market will exceed US$80 billion in revenues1. Continued reductions in the cost of solar electricity production, including via reductions in the capital costs associated with solar cell and module manufacture, remain a priority for the sector.

Nature Energy 1, Article number: 16016 (2016)



发布日期:2016/03/07 发布者: 点击数: