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Nitrogen-doped mesoporous carbon of extraordinary capacitance for electrochemical energy storage

Carbon-based supercapacitors can provide high electrical power, but they do not have sufficient energy density to directly compete with batteries. We found that a nitrogen-doped ordered mesoporous few-layer carbon has a capacitance of 855 farads per gram in aqueous electrolytes and can be bipolarly charged or discharged at a fast, carbon-like speed. The improvement mostly stems from robust redox reactions at nitrogen-associated defects that transform inert graphene-like layered carbon into an electrochemically active substance without affecting its electric conductivity. These bipolar aqueous-electrolyte electrochemical cells offer power densities and lifetimes similar to those of carbon-based supercapacitors and can store a specific energy of 41 watt-hours per kilogram (19.5 watt-hours per liter).

Science 18 December 2015:
Vol. 350 no. 6267 pp. 1508-1513
DOI: 10.1126/science.aab3798


(中国超级电容器研发获突破 星战激光剑有望成真):http://news.ifeng.com/a/20151227/46849019_0.shtml

发布日期:2015/12/18 发布者: 点击数: