Active and durable electrocatalysts for methanol oxidation reaction are of critical importance to the commercial viability of direct methanol fuel cell technology. Unfortunately, current methanol oxidation electrocatalysts fall far short of expectations and suffer from rapid activity degradation. Here we report platinum–nickel hydroxide–graphene ternary hybrids as a possible solution to this long-standing issue. The incorporation of highly defective nickel hydroxide nanostructures is believed to play the decisive role in promoting the dissociative adsorption of water molecules and subsequent oxidative removal of carbonaceous poison on neighbouring platinum sites. As a result, the ternary hybrids exhibit exceptional activity and durability towards efficient methanol oxidation reaction. Under periodic reactivations, the hybrids can endure at least 500,000 s with negligible activity loss, which is, to the best of our knowledge, two to three orders of magnitude longer than all available electrocatalysts.

Nature Communications 6, Article number: 10035 doi:10.1038/ncomms10035
Received 03 July 2015 Accepted 27 October 2015 Published 25 November 2015
高活性和高稳定性的甲醇氧化电催化剂对甲醇燃料电池技术的实际应用非常重要。遗憾的是,当前的甲醇氧化电催化剂的性能远低于预期目标,并且还有催化活性衰减速度过快的问题。 Huang 等人报道了一种基于铂-氢氧化镍-石墨烯的三元杂化物,有望解决这个长期以来的难题。他们发现,高度缺陷的氢氧化镍纳米结构对提高水分子的解离吸附具有决定性作用,此外,它还可以有效帮助氧化脱除铂表面的碳基抑制剂。因此,这种三元催化剂表现出极高的反应活性和稳定性。通过周期性活化,催化剂可以稳定运行 500000s ,这比目前所有已知的电催化剂的寿命都高两到三个数量级。(Nature Communications DOI : 10.1038 / ncomms 10035 )(新材料在线)