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Low-temperature-processed efficient semi-transparent planar perovskite solar cells for bifacial and tandem applications

Semi-transparent perovskite solar cells are highly attractive for a wide range of applications, such as bifacial and tandem solar cells; however, the power conversion efficiency of semi-transparent devices still lags behind due to missing suitable transparent rear electrode or deposition process. Here we report a low-temperature process for efficient semi-transparent planar perovskite solar cells. A hybrid thermal evaporation–spin coating technique is developed to allow the introduction of PCBM in regular device configuration, which facilitates the growth of high-quality absorber, resulting in hysteresis-free devices. We employ high-mobility hydrogenated indium oxide as transparent rear electrode by room-temperature radio-frequency magnetron sputtering, yielding a semi-transparent solar cell with steady-state efficiency of 14.2% along with 72% average transmittance in the near-infrared region. With such semi-transparent devices, we show a substantial power enhancement when operating as bifacial solar cell, and in combination with low-bandgap copper indium gallium diselenide we further demonstrate 20.5% efficiency in four-terminal tandem configuration.

Nature Communications 6, Article number: 8932 doi:10.1038/ncomms9932
Received 31 July 2015 Accepted 19 October 2015 Published 18 November 2015


半透明钙钛矿太阳能电池具有广阔的应用空间,如可用于双面和叠层电池中。不过,半透明电池的效率受限于缺少合适的透明后电极材料以及合适的加工方法而无法做高。 Fu 等人报道了一种低温制备高效半透明平面钙钛矿电池的方法。这种方法结合了热蒸镀和旋涂技术,因此可以在常规器件中引入 PCBM ,有利于生长高质量的吸光层,从而避免了滞后效应。他们以氢化氧化铟为透明后电极材料,制备的半透明太阳能电池效率达到 14.2% ,并且在近红外区域的平均透过率达到 72% 。以这种半透明电极和铜铟镓硒电池制备的叠层电池效率更是达到20.5%。(新材料在线)

发布日期:2015/11/19 发布者: 点击数: