Programmable and algorithmic behaviors of DNA molecules allow controlling the structures of DNA-assembled materials with nanometer precision and constructing complex networks with digital and analog behaviors. Here we developed a way of integrating a DNA strand-displacement circuit with self-assembly of spherical nucleic acids, wherein a single DNA strand was used to initiate and catalyze the operation of upstream circuits to release a single strand that subsequently triggers self-assembly of spherical nucleic acids in downstream circuits, realizing a programmable kinetic control of self-assembly of spherical nucleic acids. Through utilizing this method, SNPs or indels occurring at different positions of a sequence of oligonucleotide were unambiguously discriminated. We provide here a sophisticated way of combining the DNA strand-displacement-based characteristic of DNA with the distinct assembly properties of inorganic nanoparticles, which may find broad potential applications in the fabrication of a wide range of complex multicomponent devices and architectures.年代以来,DNA修饰的金纳米粒子复合探针,即球状核酸(Spherical Nucleic Acids),因其在体内外检测、细胞转染、基因调控、生物诊断和纳米结构组装等方面的独特优势,已被广泛用于疾病诊疗等领域。在以往的球状核酸组装研究中,通常策略为加入DNA单链后直接退火致使表面接枝互补序列的球状核酸聚集,从而实现对特定DNA目标序列的检测。
中国科大中科院软物质化学重点实验室梁好均教授课题组引入粘性末端协助的DNA链替换反应,通过构建DNA分子机器以诱导球状核酸的聚集反应实现了球状核酸的恒温组装,并据此实现了寡聚核苷酸序列单碱基突变的检测(J. Am. Chem. Soc.2012, 134, 10803;Adv. Mater.2014, 26, 6181)。在之后的研究中他们注意到,受限于表面接枝DNA的序列特异性,球状核酸复合探针只能针对特定的DNA目标序列进行检测,从而使检测的复杂程度和成本大大提高,降低了其实用性。针对该问题,梁好均教授课题组在前期工作基础上,借助DNA催组装领域动态网络概念,构建了DNA链替换循环体系与球状核酸组装的二级串联网络,进而实现了对两种球状核酸的组装。
该工作已经在J. Am. Chem. Soc.上在线发表,实验部分由博士生姚东宝等人完成,理论部分由特任副研究员肖石燕博士完成。该工作得到了国家基金委、科技部和能源材料化学协同创新中心的支持。