The understanding of fundamental processes in the bulk and at the interfaces of electrochemical devices is a prerequisite for the development of new technologies with higher efficiency and improved performance. One energy storage scheme of great interest is splitting water to form hydrogen and oxygen gas and converting back to electrical energy by their subsequent recombination with only water as a byproduct. However, kinetic limitations to the rate of oxygen-based electrochemical reactions hamper the efficiency in technologies such as solar fuels, fuel cells, and electrolyzers. For these reactions, the use of metal oxides as electrocatalysts is prevalent due to their stability, low cost, and ability to store oxygen within the lattice. However, due to the inherently convoluted nature of electrochemical and chemical processes in electrochemical systems, it is difficult to isolate and study individual electrochemical processes in a complex system. Therefore, in situ characterization tools are required for observing related physical and chemical processes directly at the places where and while they occur and can help elucidate the mechanisms of charge separation and charge transfer at electrochemical interfaces.
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), also known as ESCA (electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis), has been used as a quantitative spectroscopic technique that measures the elemental composition, as well as chemical and electronic state of a material. Building from extensive ex situ characterization of electrochemical systems, initial in situ studies were conducted at or near ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) conditions (≤10-6Torr) to probe solid-state electrochemical systems. However, through the integration of differential-pumping stages, XPS can now operate at pressures in the torr range, comprising a technique called ambient pressure XPS (AP-XPS).
In this Account, we briefly review the working principles and current status of AP-XPS. We use several recent in situ studies on model electrochemical components as well as operandostudies performed by our groups at the Advanced Light Source (ALS) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory to illustrate that AP-XPS is both a chemically and an electrically specific tool since photoelectrons carry information on both the local chemistry and electrical potentials. The applications of AP-XPS to oxygen electrocatalysis shown in this Account span well-defined studies of (1) the oxide/oxygen gas interface, (2) the oxide/water vapor interface, and (3) operando measurements of half and full electrochemical cells. Using specially designed model devices, we can expose and isolate the electrode or interface of interest to the incident X-ray beam and AP-XPS analyzer to relate the electrical potentials to the composition/chemical state of the key components and interfaces. We conclude with an outlook on new developments of AP-XPS end stations, which may provide significant improvement in the observation of dynamics over a wide range of time scales, higher spatial resolution, and improved characterization of boundary or interface layers (solid/solid and liquid/solid).