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Carbon-doped BN nanosheets for metal-free photoredox catalysis

The generation of sustainable and stable semiconductors for solar energy conversion by photoredox catalysis, for example, light-induced water splitting and carbon dioxide reduction, is a key challenge of modern materials chemistry. Here we present a simple synthesis of a ternary semiconductor, boron carbon nitride, and show that it can catalyse hydrogen or oxygen evolution from water as well as carbon dioxide reduction under visible light illumination. The ternary B-C-N alloy features a delocalized two-dimensional electron system with sp2 carbon incorporated in the h-BN lattice where the bandgap can be adjusted by the amount of incorporated carbon to produce unique functions. Such sustainable photocatalysts made of lightweight elements facilitate the innovative construction of photoredox cascades to utilize solar energy for chemical conversion.


发布日期:2015/07/14 发布者:网站管理员 点击数: