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Porous Molybdenum-Based Hybrid Catalysts for Highly Efficient Hydrogen Evolution

We have synthesized a porous Mo-based composite obtained from a polyoxometalate-based metal–organic framework and graphene oxide (POMOFs/GO) using a simple one-pot method. The MoO2@PC-RGO hybrid material derived from the POMOFs/GO composite is prepared at a relatively low carbonization temperature, which presents a superior activity for the hydrogen-evolution reaction (HER) in acidic media owing to the synergistic effects among highly dispersive MoO2 particles, phosphorus-doped porous carbon, and RGO substrates. MoO2@PC-RGO exhibits a very positive onset potential close to that of 20 % Pt/C, low Tafel slope of 41 mV dec-1, high exchange current density of 4.8×10-4 A cm-2, and remarkable long-term cycle stability. It is one of the best high-performance catalysts among the reported nonprecious metal catalysts for HER to date.



发布日期:2015/11/27 发布者:网站管理员 点击数: