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Fullerene-like Polyoxotitanium Cage with High Solution Stability

We present the formation of the largest titanium–oxo cluster, [Ti423-O)60(OiPr)42(OH)12)]6-, with the first fullerene-like Ti–O shell structure. The {Ti42O60} core of this compound exemplifies the same icosahedral (Ih) symmetry as C60, the highest possible symmetry for molecules. According to the coordination environments, the Ti centers in this cluster can be arranged into a Platonic {Ti12} icosahedron and an Archimedean {Ti30} icosidodecahedron. The solution stability of this cluster was confirmed by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. The spherical body of the {Ti42O60} core has an inside diameter of 1.05 nm and an outside diameter of 1.53 nm, which could be directly visualized by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. Our results demonstrate that titanium oxide can also form fullerene-like shell structures.




中国科学院福建物质结构研究所结构化学国家重点实验室研究员张健和张磊领导的无机合成化学团队,在科技部“973”计划、国家基金委“无机-有机杂化功能材料”创新群体、中科院“新兴与交叉领域”项目和国家杰出青年科学基金资助下,利用温和的溶剂热反应,通过调控钛酸酯在异丙醇溶液中的水解聚合,成功合成了首例具有富勒烯结构类型的高核钛氧团簇分子(Ti42)。在这个团簇中,按照配位模式的不同,钛原子分别形成Ti12正二十面体和Ti30三十二面体,使整个结构具有Ih对称性。同时,这样一个Ti42分子也是目前所报道的最高核钛氧簇,其簇核尺寸达到了1.5纳米左右;质谱、液态吸收光谱研究表明Ti42具有非常高的溶液稳定性,从而可以通过逐层式液相外延生长的方法将其组装分散到多孔MOF薄膜的孔道之中。这项研究成果不仅丰富了富勒烯类分子的组成,同时也为新型高对称性钛氧簇材料的研究提供了一个新的思路。相关成果发表于J. Am. Chem. Soc.(2016, 138, 2556-2559)。(转自中科院网页)

发布日期:2016/03/10 发布者:网站管理员 点击数: