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“2011-iChEM讲座”第18讲:Laser Microprocessing and Nanofabrication

报告题目:Laser Microprocessing and Nanofabrication

报 告 人: Prof. Hong Minghui, National University of Singapore

时   间: 2019年4月10日(周三)16:30-17:30

地   点: 厦门大学化学化工学院卢嘉锡楼202报告厅


Laser precision engineering has unique advantages as a non-contact process with flexible setup and high speed processing in air, vacuum or liquid environment. In the last decades, we have witnessed its extensive applications in the fields from academic researches to production lines. In this talk, our research progress on dynamic laser-materials interaction and the signal diagnostics in real time will be reviewed. How to achieve small heat affected zone (HAZ) is a key issue in high quality laser micro-processing and nano-manufacturing. Hybrid laser processing can lead to laser precision engineering of difficultly processing substrates, such as heat sensitive and ultra-thin substrate devices. Optimization of laser-materials interaction can provide us novel approaches to overcome optical diffraction limit for sub-wavelength surface patterning. Combined with advanced AFM and NSOM means, laser processing resolution can be pushed down to sub-50 nm. To solve the technical bottleneck of slow laser nanoprocessing, parallel (multi-beam) and maskless laser processing techniques are developed. Potential and challenges of laser-materials interaction to cater for 22nm and beyond based on laser produced plasma (LPP) EUV light source and flexible laser manipulation of atom deposition for atomic engineering will also be discussed.


洪明辉教授是激光光学领域的著名学者和领军人物,长期从事激光微纳加工及检测技术研究,在激光微制造、激光清洗、激光焊接及光学检测等领域开展国际领先水平的研究工作。他本科和硕士均毕业于厦门大学物理学系,2000年获新加坡国立大学博士学位,现任新加坡国立大学光学科学与工程中心主任、终身正教授和博士生导师。洪教授是新加坡工程院院士(SAEng)、美国光学学会(OSA)会士、国际光学工程学会(SPIE)会士、国际光子与激光工程学会(IAPLE)会士以及新加坡工程师学会(IES)会士,他已在Chemical Reviews, Nature, Nature Nanotechnology (also featured in journal front page), Nature Photonics (research highlight), Nature Communications, Nano Letters, Advanced Materials 和 ACS Nano 等国际一流学术刊物发表400余篇论文,拥有42项美国、德国和新加坡专利,其中24项已获发明授权,2项已经产业化生产。洪明辉教授是Opto-Electronic Advances执行主编,国际期刊Light: Science and Applications(自然子刊)、Scientific Reports(自然子刊)、Journal of Laser Micro/nanoengineering和《中国科学》: G等高水平学术期刊的编委。洪教授曾获“东盟杰出工程成就奖”、新加坡工程师学会“权威工程成就奖” 和教育部教育服务奖。洪教授也是新加坡光技术有限公司主席。



发布日期:2019/04/09 发布者: 点击数: