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Catalyst Design from Electronic, Binding, Band to Hierarchical Structures

题  目: Catalyst Design from Electronic, Binding, Band to Hierarchical Structures

讲 座 人: Prof. Zhengxiao Guo

Department of Chemistry / London Centre for Nanotechnology, University College London (UCL)

时   间: 2018年7月14日下午16:00

地   点: 厦门大学卢嘉锡楼202

ZXG is a Professor of Materials Chemistry and UCL’s Ambassador for Asian Engagement. He received his BEng degree from Northeastern University in 1983, and was selected nationally as one of the only five Tc Scholarship holders to study in the UK in 1984. He subsequently obtained his PhD in the University of Manchester, with postdoc research experiences at universities of Strathclyde and Oxford. He became a lecturer, reader and full professor at Queen Mary University of London from 1995 to 2000, and then joint University College London (UCL) from 2007 as Professor of Chemistry. His research focus is on the development of highly functional clusters / nanostructures and their synthesis routes. He has led/participated in major UK/EU consortia over £70million. He has contributed over 300 journal / 350 conference papers/presentations (cited >13,000; H-Index=53) with over 100 keynote/invited; received Beilby Medal 2000 (1st recipient of Chinese heritage). He is UK representative of the Advanced Materials and Processes for Energy Applications consortium of the EU Energy Research Alliance. He was the “Focal-Point” for UK-China collaborations in Nano- & Materials (2009-12). He has been a UCL Pro-Provost (2008-16) / China Ambassador (2016-) overseeing UCL’s strategic links with the mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau.

Solid-state nanostructures hold great potential for a wide range of technological solutions, underpinned by chemical, electrochemical and/or photoelectrochemical processes. Clear understanding of “energy-carrier” interactions with host structures is essential to design efficient device systems, e.g. for batteries, supercapcitors, hydrogen stores, CO2 sorbents, and solar harvesting. Challenge-driven simulations provide timely insight to specific mechanisms of binding, activation and sorption of molecular species with host structures for the design of efficient functional systems. Such understanding effectively guides practical synthesis of highly functional nanostructures, with specifically enriched surface functionality, texture, defects and dopants for carrier sorption, storage and transport. Important avenues and limitations for further study are discussed for future development of effective carbon-based nanostructures.



发布日期:2018/07/10 发布者: 点击数: