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厦门大学嘉锡学术沙龙—Rudolf Holze教授

讲座题目:Not only surface, but accessibility and conductance - Recent studies in supercap materials

讲 座 人:Rudolf Holze

Chemistry department, Technical University Chemnitz, Germany

时    间:2014年10月31日(周五) 16:00-17:00

地    点:厦门大学 同安二楼201会议室外间


Rudolf Holze教授

Prof. Rudolf Holze received his Ph.D. in 1983 from University of Bonn, Germany. After¬wards, he joined Prof. E.B. Yeager at the Case Center for Electrochemical Sciences, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, USA, as a post-doctoral fellow and then Oldenburg University in 1987 as associate professor in Physical Chemistry. Since 1993 he is full professor of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry at the chemistry department of Technical University Chemnitz, Germany. His research is focused on spectroelectrochemistry, self-assembled monolayers, lithium ion batteries, electrochemical energy conversion and storage, electrochemical materials science and corrosion. He is an ordinary member of the Saxonian Academy of Sci¬ences and of several editorial boards. He is the author of more than 340 articles in refereed inter-national journals and eleven books.







附 - 报告摘要:

Not only surface, but accessibility and conductance - Recent studies

in supercap materials


Deepak P. Dubal# and Rudolf Holze*


New Energy and Material Laboratory (NEML), Department of Chemistry & Shanghai Key Labo­ratory of Molecular Catalysis and Innovative Material, Fudan Univer­sity, Shanghai 200433, PR China

#Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, CIN2, ICN2 (CSIC-ICN), Campus UAB, E-08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain

*permanent adress: Technische Universität Chemnitz, Institut für Chemie, AG Elektrochemie, D-09107 Chem­nitz, Germany


With almost all active masses for every class of device employed in electrochemical energy technology an attempt is made to find a perfect compromise between numerous sometimes contradictory requirements and properties deemed essential for a best performance - once again measured in various dimensions. Except for those extremely rare exceptions of elec­trodes showing extremely large standard exchange current densities j00 porous electrodes with large surface areas which should also be electrochemically active are employed. These con­siderations apply with every detail to supercapacitor materials, too.

In an ongoing series of investigations we have looked from various angles at the relevant properties of supercapacitor materials, we have prepared materials, electrodes and test devices and examined the viability of assumptions regarding the effects of property changes in the various dimensions relevant for actual performance, applicability and possible commercializa­tion.



Recent topical bibliography:

D. P. Dubal, R.H., Pure Appl. Chem. 86 (2014) 611-632

B. H. Zhang, Y. Liu, Z. Chang, Y. Q. Yang, Z. B. Wen, Y. P. Wu, R.H., J. Power Sources 253 (2014) 98-103

D.P. Dubal, J.G.Kim, Y. Kim, R.H., C.D. Lokhande, W.B. Kim, Energy Technol. 2 (2014) 325-341

D.P. Dubal, G.S. Gund, C.D. Lokhande, R.H., Energy Technol. 2 (2014) 401-408

R.H., Y.P. Wu, Electrochim. Acta 122 (2014) 93-107

F.X. Wang, S.Y. Xiao, Y.S. Zhu, Z. Chang, C.L. Hu, Y.P. Wu, R.H., J. Power Sources 246 (2014) 19-23

DP. Dubal, G.S. Gund, R.H., C.D. Lokhande, J. Electroanal. Chem. 712 (2014) 40-46

F.X. Wang, S.Y. Xiao, X.W. Gao, Y.S. Zhu, H.P. Zhang, Y.P. Wu, R.H., J. Power Sources 242 (2013) 560-565

D.P. Dubal, G.S. Gund, R.H., C.D. Lokhande, J. Power Sources 242 (2013) 687-698

D.P. Dubal, R. Holze, J. Power Sources 238 (2013) 274-282

发布日期:2014/10/17 发布者:网站管理员 点击数: