报告题目:Electrocatalysis on Metal Nanocrystals – Back to the future
报 告 人:Assoc. Prof. Shouzhong Zou
Miami University, Ohio, USA
时 间:6月9日(周一) 下午2:30
地 点:厦门大学卢嘉锡楼报告厅(202)
Metal nanocrystals are particles with controlled exposed facets therefore are ideal model systems for revealing catalyst structure-catalytic activity relationships. In this presentation examples will be given to demonstrate factors dictating the facet control in particle synthesis, including Au, Pd and Pt-based alloy nanocrystals. Applications of the obtained nanocrystals to exploring how the catalyst structure including particle size, shape and composition affect catalytic activity toward fuel cell reactions, such as oxygen reduction reaction and formic acid oxidation will be discussed. A historic perspective of the application of structural controlled model catalysts to catalysis studies will be given. The implications of these studies to the development and commercialization of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells will also be discussed.