The organizing committee takes pleasure to invite you to participate in the International Symposium on Catalytic Activation and Selective Conversion of Energy-Related Molecules, which is one of the Satellite Symposia of the 16
th International Congress on Catalysis. The symposium will be held in the beautiful island city, Xiamen, on July 10-12, 2016. The scientific program will consist of Plenary, Keynote, Oral and Poster Presentations.
Topics and Scope
(1) Activation and conversion of methane and lower alkanes.
(2) Activation and conversion of CO
(3) Selective transformation of syngas and methanol.
(4) Selective transformation of biomass or biomass-related platform chemicals.
(5) Utilization of electric energy or solar energy for activation and conversion of energy-related molecules.
(6) Materials and nanotechnology related to the conversion of energy-related molecules.
OrganizersState Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces, Xiamen University
Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemistry for Energy Materials
Organizing Committee
Honorary ChairmanHuilin Wan (Xiamen University)
Ye Wang (Xiamen University)
Zhongqun Tian (Xiamen University)
Shigang Sun (Xiamen University)
Zhaoxiong Xie (Xiamen University)
Nanfeng Zheng (Xiamen University)
Mingshu Chen (Xiamen University)
Gang Fu (Xiamen University)
Yong Wang (Xiamen University)
Weizheng Weng (Xiamen University)
Wensheng Xia (Xiamen University)
Youzhu Yuan (Xiamen University)
Qinghong Zhang (Xiamen University)
Zhaohui Zhou (Xiamen University)
Hongping Zhu (Xiamen University)
Local Staff
Min Wang, Hui Lin, Haiyan Shi, Junjing Gu, Ping Zhu, Liu Yang, Ying Zhang
Important Dates
Abstract Submission Open December 10, 2015
Abstract Submission Deadline February 15, 2016
Acceptance Notifications March 15, 2016
Early-bird Registration Deadline June 10, 2016
Conference Date July 10-12, 2016