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两年一次的第四届太阳燃料和太阳电池国际会议(The 4th International Symposium on Solar Fuels and Solar Cells)现面向国内外征集会议摘要。本次会议将于2014年10月21-24日在大连举行(由大连化物所和大连理工大学主办)。会议主席为中国科学院大连化学物理研究所李灿院士和大连理工大学的孙立成教授。


  1. 人工光合作用制备太阳燃料,包括光催化分解水制氢、光催化还原二氧化碳等前沿应用基础科学问题;

  2. 太阳能光-化学转化中的遇到的瓶颈科学问题;

  3. 太阳电池研究新技术、新材料、新工艺等。





The 4th International Symposium on Solar Fuels and Solar Cells (SFSC 2014)

The 4th International Symposium on Solar Fuels and Solar Cells, which will be held in Dalian, China on October 21-24, 201, now is open for registration and abstract submission. Note that the deadline for abstract on-line submission is July 31, 2014.

The scope of this symposium mainly focuses on the research of solar fuels and solar cells. The principal goal of this symposium is to provide an academic forum for scientists and researchers to present some of the latest outstanding research progress, exchange and share experiences and ideas, and brainstorm the solutions to the scientific and technical challenges in the development of efficient solar energy conversion and utilization systems.

The SFSC is a biannual symposium co-chaired by Prof. Can Li (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics) and Prof. Licheng Sun (Dalian University of Technology & KTH Royal Institute of Technology). We have been striving to make this symposium as a highly standard “Gordon Research Conference” like special forum in China in the research field of solar fuels and solar cells. Following the previous three very successful symposiums, we are anticipating a more exciting one for this 4th SFSC. And your participant will be a great beneficial for the success of the symposium. We hope you will have a memorable and impressive SFSC conference in 2014, and look forward to meeting you in the romantic city of Dalian!

You may get more information on the symposium website at: http://sfsc2014.csp.escience.cn. And for any inquiry, please send email to sfsc@dicp.ac.cn.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The organization committee of the 4th SFSC

发布日期:2014/04/17 发布者:网站管理员 点击数: