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叶 茂

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叶  茂

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1990.9-1994.7  江苏科技大学动力系       本科生

1994.9-1997.3  东南大学热能所          硕士生

1997.4-2000.6  东南大学热能所             博士生

2000.12-2005.4   荷兰Twente大学化工学院       Research Scientist

2005.5-2006.9     荷兰Eindhoven理工大学机械系 Research Fellow

2006.10-2009.10 荷兰壳牌石油公司  催化裂化研发工程师

2009.10-至今   中科院大连化物所  副研究员、研究组长

2010.6-至今     中科院大连化物所  研究员、研究组长

2012.6-至今  中科院大连化物所  博士生导师

2020.10-至今      中科院大连化物所  研究部副部长








2022-2026年  担任中国颗粒学会常务理事

2022-2027年  担任中国化工学会过程模拟与仿真专业委员会副主任委员

2019年至今 担任Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering编委

2020年至今  担任《化工进展》编委

2020年至今  担任《煤化工》编委

2022年至今  担任《洁净煤技术》编委


1. Directed transforming of coke to active intermediates in methanol-to-olefins catalyst to boost light olefins selectivity. Zhou J; Gao M; Zhang J; Liu W; Zhang T; Li H; Xu Z; Ye M; Liu Z. Nature Communications, 12: 17, 2021.

2. Imaging spatiotemporal evolution of molecules and active sites in zeolite catalyst during methanol-to-olefins reaction. Gao M; Li H; Liu W; Xu Z; Peng S; Yang M; Ye M; Liu Z. Nature Communications, 11: 3641, 2020.

3. Exploring the Inter‐ and Intra‐crystal Diversity of Surface Barriers in Zeolites on Mass Transport by Using Super‐Resolution Microimaging of Time‐Resolved Guest Profiles. Peng S; Xie Y; Wang L; Liu W; Li H; Xu Z; Ye M; Liu Z. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 61: e202203903, 2022.

4. Control of surface barriers in mass transfer to modulate methanol‐to‐olefins reaction over SAPO‐34 zeolites. Peng S; Gao M; Li H; Yang M; Ye M; Liu Z. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 59: 21945-21948, 2020.

5. Quantitative principle of shape-selective catalysis for a rational screening of zeolites for methanol-to-hydrocarbons. Gao M; Li H; Ye M; Liu Z. AIChE Journal, 69: e17881, 2023

6. A CFD-DEM study of the solid-like and fluid-like states in the homogeneous fluidization regime of Geldart A particles. Guo Q; Bordbar A; Ma L; Yu Y; Xu S; Boyce CM; Ye M. AIChE Journal, 68: e17420, 2022

7. A general approach for predicting intracrystalline diffusivities and adsorption entropies in nanoporous materials. Gao M; Li H; Ye M; Liu Z. AIChE Journal, 66: e16991, 2020.

8. A machine learning approach for electrical capacitance tomography measurement of gas-solids fluidized beds. Guo Q; Ye M; Yang W; Liu Z. AIChE Journal, 65: e16583, 2019.

9. Study of catalyst coke distribution based on population balance theory: application to methanol to olefins process. Li H; Yuan X; Gao M; Ye M; Liu Z. AIChE Journal, 65: 1149-1161, 2019.

10. Kinetic modeling of methanol to olefins process over SAPO-34 catalyst based on the dual-cycle reaction mechanism. Yuan X; Li H; Ye M; Liu Z. AIChE Journal, 65: 662-674, 2019.