| 姓 名: | 成 康
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361005 |
电 话: |
0592-2187470 |
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0592-2183047 |
电子邮件: |
kangcheng@xmu.edu.cn |
课题组主页: |
2005-2009 四川大学轻化工程专业 学士
2009-2014 厦门大学化学系物理化学专业 博士
2012-2015 法国里尔大学分子与凝聚态材料专业 博士
2014-2017 能源材料化学协同创新中心 iCHEM研究员
2017-2020 荷兰乌特勒支大学德拜纳米科学研究所 博士后
2020-2022 厦门大学化学系 副教授
2023-至今 厦门大学化学系 教授
1. K. Cheng,# L. C. J. Smulders,# G. Sunley, K. P. de Jong*, et al., Science, 377 (2022) 204-208.
J. Xiao,# K. Cheng,# X. Xie, Y. Wang,* B.M. Weckhuysen,* et al., Tandem
catalysis with double-shelled hollow spheres, Nat. Mater., 21 (2022)
3. Y. Li, M. Wang, S. Liu, K. Cheng*, et al., ACS Catal., 12 (2022) 8793-8801.
Y. Wang,# G. Wang,# K. Cheng,* K. P. de Jong,* Y. Wang,* et al.,
Visualizing Element Migration over Bifunctional Metal-Zeolite Catalysts
and its Impact on Catalysis, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 60 (2021)
M. Wang, Z. Wang, K. Cheng,* Q. Zhang, Y. Wang,* et al., Synthesis of
hierarchical SAPO-34 to improve the catalytic performances of
bifunctional catalysts for syngas-to-olefins reaction, J. Catal., 394
(2021) 181-192.
K. Cheng, L. I. van der Wal, J. Zečević, K. P. de Jong,* et al., Impact
of the Spatial Organization of Bifunctional Metal-Zeolite Catalysts for
Hydroisomerization of Light Alkanes, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 59 (2020)
7. K. Chen, Y. Li, K. Cheng,* Q. Zhang,* et al., Functionalized Carbon Materials in Syngas Conversion, Small, 17 (2021) 2007527.
X. Liu, M. Wang, K. Cheng,* Q. Zhang,* Y. Wang,* et al., Tandem
Catalysis for Hydrogenation of CO and CO2 to Lower Olefins with
Bifunctional Catalysts Composed of Spinel Oxide and SAPO-34, ACS Catal.,
10 (2020) 8303–8314.
C. Zhou, K. Cheng,* Y. Wang,* et al., Highly Active ZnO-ZrO2 Aerogels
Integrated with H-ZSM-5 for Aromatics Synthesis from Carbon Dioxide, ACS
Catal., 10 (2020) 302-310.
W. Wang, K. Cheng,* Q. Zhang,* et al., In-situ confinement of
ultrasmall palladium nanoparticles in silicalite-1 for methane
combustion with excellent activity and hydrothermal stability, Appl
Catal B: Environ, 276 (2020) 119142.
W. Zhou,# J. Kang,# K. Cheng,# Q. Zhang,* Y. Wang,* et al., Direct
Conversion of Syngas into Methyl Acetate, Ethanol and Ethylene by Relay
Catalysis via Dimethyl Ether Intermediate, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 57
(2018) 12012-12016.
X. Liu, W. Zhou, K. Cheng,* Q. Zhang,* Y. Wang,* et al., Design of
efficient bifunctional catalysts for direct conversion of syngas into
lower olefins via methanol/dimethyl ether intermediates, Chem. Sci., 9
(2018) 4708–4718.
K. Cheng, W. Zhou, Y. Wang,* et al., Bifunctional Catalysts for
One-Step Conversion of Syngas into Aromatics with Excellent Selectivity
and Stability, Chem, 3 (2017) 334-347.
K. Cheng, J. Kang, D.L. King, Y. Wang,* et al., Advances in Catalysis
for Syngas Conversion to Hydrocarbons, Adv. Catal., 60 (2017) 125-208.
K. Cheng,# B. Gu,# X. Liu,# J. Kang, Q. Zhang,* Y. Wang,* Direct and
Highly Selective Conversion of Synthesis Gas to Lower Olefins: Design of
a Bifunctional Catalyst Combining Methanol Synthesis and Carbon–Carbon
Coupling, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 55 (2016) 4725-4728.