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姓  名:   魏迎旭
地  址: 辽宁省大连市中山路457号
邮  编: 116023
电  话: 411-84379118
传  真: 411-84379062
电子邮件: weiyx@dicp.ac.cn


  • 1989-1993,上海交通大学,应用化学系, 本科
  • 1996-2001,大连化学物理研究所,物理化学专业,博士生
  • 2001-2003,大连化学物理研究所应用催化研究室,助理研究员,
  • 2003-2004, 比利时Namur大学无机材料实验室,博士后
  • 2003-2011,大连化学物理研究所低碳催化与工程研究部(DNL12),副研究员
  • 2011-至今,大连化学物理研究所低碳催化与工程研究部(DNL12),研究员


  • 分子筛催化
  • 甲醇转化


  • NSFC21273230,甲醇转化催化剂限阈空间内环状有机物种的生成、催化机制及复合体系的主客体化学作用


  • 中科院杰出科技成就奖(主要完成者)


  1. Yingxu Wei, Jinzhe Li, Cuiyu Yuan, Shutao Xu, You Zhou, Jingrun Chen, Quanyi Wang, Qing Zhang and Zhongmin Liu*, Generation of diamondoid hydrocarbons as confined compounds in SAPO-34 catalyst in the conversion of methanol, Chemical Communications, 48, 3082-3084 (2012).
  2. Yingxu Wei, Cuiyu Yuan, Jinzhe Li, Shutao Xu, Jingrun Chen, You Zhou, Yue Qi, Qing Zhang and Zhongmin Liu*, Coke formation and carbon atom economy of methanol-to-olefin reaction, ChemSusChem, 5, 906-912 (2012).
  3. Jinzhe Li, Yingxu Wei, Jingrun Chen, Peng Tian, Xiong Su, Shutao Xu, Yue Qi, Quanyi Wang, You Zhou, Yanli He, Zhongmin Liu*, Observation of heptamethylbenzenium cation over SAPO-type molecular sieve DNL-6 under real MTO conversion conditions, Journal of the American chemical society, 134, 836-839 (2012).
  4. Yingxu Wei, Dazhi Zhang, Fuxiang Chang, Bao-lian Su, Zhongmin Liu*, Ultra-short contact time conversion of chloromethane to olefins over pre-coked SAPO-34: a direct insight into the primary conversion with coke deposition, Chemical Communications, 5999-6001 (2009).
  5. Yingxu Wei, Dazhi Zhang, Zhongmin Liu*, Bao-Lian Su*, Highly efficient catalytic conversion of chloromethane to light olefins over HSAPO-34 as studied by in-situ FTIR and catalytic testing, Journal of Catalysis, 238, 46-57 (2006).